making a posting

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🔘Now let's find out how you can post something on a date. If you've found a date that's been unlocked, click on the "make a posting" button to leave a memory about BTS for that date.

 If you've found a date that's been unlocked, click on the "make a posting" button to leave a memory about BTS for that date

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🔘You can choose from three types of postings: image, text or video.

🔘Your posting must be at least 10 characters long, and can be up to 140 characters

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🔘Your posting must be at least 10 characters long, and can be up to 140 characters. Only one posting can be uploaded for each date by each ARMY, and once you've made a posting you can't make any edits; you can only delete it. Once you've deleted your posting, you can't post again! So be careful when you write or upload something.

 Once you've deleted your posting, you can't post again! So be careful when you write or upload something

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🔘You can select "IMAGE" to upload an image.

🔘You can select "IMAGE" to upload an image

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🔘Now let's select "WRITE". You can enter text here that will then be posted as an image. Make your own thumbnail by writing up to 10 characters per line and up to 3 lines, and then selecting a background!

 Make your own thumbnail by writing up to 10 characters per line and up to 3 lines, and then selecting a background!

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🔘This is how a posting using "WRITE" will appear.

🔘This is how a posting using "WRITE" will appear

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🔘Now let's try "YOUTUBE". You can insert and upload a link from the ibighit or BANGTAN TV YouTube channels. Click on "share" on the YouTube video, and copy and paste the link that pops up.

🔘When you're done, double-check what you've created before uploading your posting

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🔘When you're done, double-check what you've created before uploading your posting. Remember, any posting that consists of a meaningless series of letters or includes profanity, insults and other text or content that violates the intentions of ARMYPEDIA may be deleted by the site administrator, so be careful and courteous!

 Remember, any posting that consists of a meaningless series of letters or includes profanity, insults and other text or content that violates the intentions of ARMYPEDIA may be deleted by the site administrator, so be careful and courteous!

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🔘Any postings you make will show up on the very top of the postings, marked with "MY". Click on the icon next to your nickname to delete or share your posting (on Facebook or Twitter). You can also click on the purple heart icon to let another ARMY know how much you like his or her posting.

🔘The card that receives the most purple hearts for each date will be selected as the "Top Memory" of that date

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🔘The card that receives the most purple hearts for each date will be selected as the "Top Memory" of that date. There will be a total of 2,080 "Top Memory" cards. Put some care into your posting so that it can become ARMY's favorite posting for that date, and be a part of ARMY's memory for a long, long time.

 Put some care into your posting so that it can become ARMY's favorite posting for that date, and be a part of ARMY's memory for a long, long time

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