Bierces ballroom

308 5 23

A womans voice calls out in the dark.
You dont remember how you got here, you dont even remember much of your own life.
You know the basic information such as your name, your age, medical conditions, etc etc.
Your name is (y/n) and you are a 23 year old young (lady/man), you remember being sad. Depressed even. But you still have no idea how you wound up here.

Your vision clears to see a woman dressed in black with short white hair, she looked a little glad to see you "oh. Another one. How nice to have some company again" she said gladly, she jesters for you to come closer "come over here. Lets have a good look at you" she said with a slight demand in her voice but it remains in a glad tone, you do come closer to her noticing that she was very tall you where practically up to a little above her waist by comparison.

After a moment of silence her expression changed to disappointment "you disappoint me love. You really really do. So many fears, so many desires, id thought you'd be taller" she spoke, you dont really know what she was talking about. You dont think you have any kind of fears and desires you arent exactly sure about, you also didnt take offence to the hight comment since you think your hight is fine.

"Dont look so confused... I know all you've got hidden in that brain of yours. I know all the terrible things you have done... So many good intentions laid to waste..."

You still have no idea what she is talking about, what terrible things? As far as you remember you dont think you've done anything BAD in your life, perhaps your mind is refusing to make you remember.
Either way you dont want to over think such things and it might come back to you eventually.
"Hah! But now your time has come and here you are" she said her voice no longer sounded disappointed but with a emotion that you couldn't discribe.

"But you cant go back... Only death awaits you there now"
You instantly assumed that she meant that you couldn't go back to where you came from or youll die, you start to get worried.
"But fear not love. You have potential! I see it in you.... But if you want a new life, a second chance. You will have to suffer a little to get that"
You got even more worried, suffer? You hope its not as terrible as it sounds.
The room becomes dark for a couple of seconds and the room became bright, it was all shiny and clean with several support beams and a ceiling that looks like they where made of gold, Or maybe its just the lighting. The floors are a flawless marble and there was stares that go up to a large red door.
In the center of the room there is a statue that looks like some sort of gargoyle with no head that is also made of gold, it holds a large purple orbe over the place where its head should be.

There was 8 gray portals that are between each support beam, strage symbols swirl around in the portals. You noticed that the woman stood by one of them as the portal slowly turn from grey to a bright crimson.

"Pieces of a powerful ring are hidden in nightmares behind each of these portals" she explains as you make your way towards her, a picture appears in the portal "find them, then bring them to me. And then you can get your wish" she continued, you noticed the picture in the portal is a monkey with very sharp teeth "but if you fail..." Your attention is now on the lady "you'll find there are fates far worse then death awaiting you here" she finished.

You did not like this at all. Not one bit.
Either way you are doomed and you cant just sit here in silence with this lady for all eternity!
You just nodded at her, you have to try and do your best to survive.

"Clocks ticking..." She said with a smirk, her voice sounded like she was amused.

Theres no going back now...

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