Chapter three : night school

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Aiko's POV :

I woke up feeling really dizzy

What happened ?

I felt a sting on my neck and that's when I remembered

Ayato bit me !!!!!

* sigh * I shouldn't be surprised . They are vampire after all

" you are finally awake " a voice said . I turned around to find........

Subaru ??

" what are you doing here ? " I asked

" I'm here to give you your uniform , hurry up and get dressed . We are leaving after 15 minutes " he said

" since when did I pass out ?" I asked Subaru

" since ayato sucked your blood yesterday " Subaru answered


I will kill that red head when I see him

" yes jeez no need to yell " he said covering his ears

Cute , wait what??!!

" anyways get ready " he said handing me my uniform

" thanks " I said smiling with my eyes closed . Subaru just ' tched ' looking away while blushing . He then teleported

*sigh * he really is a tsundere isn't he ?

I got dressed and went to the front door to find everyone standing there

Except yui

* 30 minutes later *

" WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING IN THERE !! " Kanato yelled . Wow ! I didn't expect a boy with a teddy bear yelling stuff like that . Will , what em I thinking . This whole house is a mess

" guys "

Everyone looked at me interested in what i will say

" prepare yourselves "

That is the only thing that I said

They all looked at me with a puzzled look . I'm really excited

After couple of minutes yui came down like this ...............

( I know I know , I made her fabulous , thanks Facetune 😘

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( I know I know , I made her fabulous , thanks Facetune 😘

Sorry yui fans )

Yui came down stairs wearing a clown makeup and a very short skirt with an unbuttoned shirt trying to reveal her un existing boobs

And lastly , too much perfume . Poor vampires , I heard that their senses are way stronger than humans senses . Good luck

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