Anna and Zayn (thelittleblueinkpot)

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I twirl my finger in my dark brown curl as I lay curled up in my bed, writing in my diary. I know, a diary is childish but it's the only thing I can vent to nowadays. People in Bradford tend to be more harsh recently.


I look up form my diary and walk out of my room and to the balcony that's overhead the living room.

"Yeah." I ask quietly. My mum looks up at me from the den. She looked nicer then normal, which made me confused. I looked at her outfit curiously. She had dark brown hair like me, but it was straight. She had on jeans, but a nice blouse. I could smell homemade dinner wafting up here. My mum only cooked homemade meals when something special was happening or some important news were to be told.

"The Maliks are coming over for dinner tonight at six. Waliyha and Safaa are excited to see you. Doniya is busy though at college. Tell your sister Zayn is coming for dinner." She calls up to me, running around the living room to clean up the place. I stand silently, watching her for a second before walking off. I walk over to my older sister's room who was right across from mine. As I near it, I hear some One Direction music playing. The Maliks used to be our neighbors, Molly and Zayn are best friends since childhood. I'm only two years younger. Molly is 18 right now and I'm 16. We moved last year to this home to the outskirts of Bradford. I haven't seen the girls in a long time.

But I don't really know Zayn. Molly would never let me play with them when I was younger. I knock on Molly's door and hear some shuffling. I hear the music lower down and I fiddle with my fingers. A couple minutes later the door swings open. She has black straight hair to her shoulders and green eyes with a tan complexion.

"Yes?" She asks, looking at me questioningly, but annoyed.

"Um, the Maliks are coming over in a hour, but Doniya isn't coming." I say quietly, forcing a smile that looked real. I knew it looked real because I practiced in my mirror.

Her green eyes widen,"Oh my gosh! I have to get ready! Why didn't you tell me earlier? Ugh. Just get out. I need to shower." She raises her arm and smells her arm pit.

I shrug while wrinkling my nose in disgust, "Technically, I'm not in your room, but okay."

How does Molly even have friends? She slams the door in my face and I walk back to my room. I look through my closet, deciding what to wear. I already took a shower earlier today. I decided to go for a casual, but nice looking style.

I pulled on some black skinny jeans and a white silk shirt that had white beading on it. I slide on some white silk TOMS after my no-show socks and look at my reflection. My caramel eyes scan me, frowning. No one understands me.

I have a quote that I really like.

I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone." -Javan

I do things for a reason. I have a tattoo on the inside of my upper right arm. It's not huge, but it's not tiny.  My mum freaked out when she saw it. It was a jar with one butterfly in it. No one understands what it means, but me. My mum was furious that I got one without her permission and one that was useless, my sister was shocked. But the tattoo isn't worthless. It describes me.

The butterfly in the jar symbolizes me. I'm trapped and alone, not free to enjoy life, restrained from flying and smelling the flowers. A butterfly because once someone, who will take it from their kindness and time to befriend me and to truly understand me, will see the true me. Deep down, I'm beautiful, colorful, friendly. But no one has cared enough to try. They don't see past the barriers I put up. It's also only one butterfly because I'm alone, facing this big bad world.

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