Chapter 1

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November 9th 1968

Yellow Oval Room


It was official, Nixon had just won the 1968 election. "Jack!" Jackie called for her husband who was next door. Jack came bursting through the door. "What is it Jackie?" Jack asked, looking cautious. "Nixon!" Jackie laughed. "It's Nixon!" Jack sat next to his wife and watched the TV intently. It said along the bottom:


Jack was stunned. "Hard to believe he lost to me eight years ago" Jack joked, which left Jackie in hysterics. Jack rubbed his face. He was overwhelmed that he wouldn't be President for much longer. He had until January 20th to have everything out of the White House and find somewhere for him, Jackie and the kids to stay. 

Suddenly there came a knock at the door. Jack opened it to find Kenny. "Kenny what is it? We're watching the Election coverage!" Jack joked. Kenny laughed. "I just came upstairs to say that the Press on the South Lawn request for Jackie to come and speak to them about Nixon winning" Kenny explained. Jackie who was in a smart Chanel suit got to her feet. 

"Okay then" she nodded. "I'll do it". 


Jack was slouched on the couch watching the coverage until it Cronkite said: "And that was Pat Nixon with her interview about this recent change in her life. Now we switch over to the current First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy". Jack sat forward, Jackie appeared on the screen. They obviously had lights outside shining on her so they could see her. 

"Mrs Kennedy, when did you first get word of Nixon winning?" One reporter asked.

"Well my husband and I were watching the coverage, so I suppose the same time as everyone else" Jackie beamed. Even though in her heart, she wouldn't be First Lady after January, she was delighted, because she had, had her time. Now it was Pat's turn. 

"Are you happy for the new President-elect?"

Jackie thought. "I am indeed".

They asked her several more questions and there was one that made Jack laugh. It was: "At the 1960 election, your husband beat Nixon, do you think Nixon is delighted now?". Jackie laughed with the reporters. "He will miss being President but he has done the best for his country and now it is time for someone else to take his place and see if they can do just as good, or even better". 

Jackie's bedroom

After the interview, in her nightgown Jackie looked around her bedroom. Soon enough, it won't be hers anymore. After he was hired, she asked Mr Zapruder to take photos of every room in the residence and the Oval Office, from at least 3 or 4 different angles so she and Jack could remember the rooms forever. 

But she knew, she would need to let the White House go. 

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