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Auroras POV

I lay down on my bed, coughing my lungs out as Bella sits beside me and dad stands at the end of my bed. "How is she?" He asks Bella, who places her hand on my head. "Well, shes defiantly got a fever" she says, "okay, she'll stay home today. I'll shoot past the market and grab some medicine on my lunch brake." Dad says, looking down at me. I only nod before trying to sit up, Bella sees this and helps me. "I'm going to make you food then I have to leave okay?" She tells me, "Yea okay." I say. Before Bella leaves to go down stairs I call for her "Bella!" My raspy voice bounces throughout the house. "Yea?!" She quickly says as she runs back up my stairs, "Can you pass me my book and art bag?" I ask, May as well be entertained if I can't do anything all day. "Yea sure, ill grab them on my way back up here" She tells me. I nod my head in response before leaning back against my headboard. I close my eyes and lean my head upwards, my headache getting even worse. "Here" I hear Bella say, I look at her and see she has a tray with a bowl on it, a cup of water and two pain killers. "Thank you Bella" I say as she places the tray on my legs, while also putting my two bags beside me. "I've got to head of now, if anything happens call me or dad" she tells me, I nod my head before grabbing a spoonful of porridge and shove it in my mouth. Bella gives me a small smile, kisses my forehead and walks down the stairs, closing it behind her. I finish my food in a few minutes before I grab the cup, I put one pill in my mouth at a time and swallow them down. I lean back again when I finish the water, thinking about all the times I wasn't sick. I grab the tray and place it down beside the bed before pulling the blankets up and getting back underneath them, shivering because of how cold it is.

I must've fallen asleep, because by the time I woke up there was a pounding on the front door. I furrow my eyebrows before rubbing my eyes and yawning. I climb out of bed, put on a pair of slippers and a robe before slowly opening the stairs, to scared to make any sudden movements for fear of vomiting everywhere. I slowly walk down the othe set of stairs to the front door. I rub my eyes just as I open the door, I remove my hands to see jasper standing there, his eyes nearly black and his face concerned, like I had been killed. "Jasper?" I ask, my voice barely coming out so I step back and cough, sniffing my nose afterwards. "Aurora!" He says, stepping through the door and hugging me tightly. I lean into his touch, feeling warmth and safety in it even though he's freezing. "W-what are you doing h-here" I say, shivering because the door is still wide open. Jasper must've realised because he quickly turns and closes the door. "You weren't at school, and I immediately freaked out" He says. My face contorts in confusion, I was only gone for a few hours? "What time is it?" I mumble into his chest, still not bothered to moving. "About 1:30" He says. I quickly lift my head from his chest, "Don't you have school?" I ask, "Yea, but it's only pe." He replies. I nod my head and let go of him, walking into the kitchen. I grab a chair and put it underneath the top cupboards before standing on it so I can actually reach them. I grab some cereal before putting down on the bench, "I'll be back" I say to jasper, yawning and walking past him. I walk up both stairs and into my bedroom before grabbing the tray and heading back to the kitchen. I put it on the bench before suddenly stopping and grabbing my stomach, "what? What is it?" Jasper asking coming closer to me, "I think I'm going to be sick" I say before bolting out into the backyard, leaning over and letting everything out. I feel jasper grab my hair and gently rub circles on my back, comforting me. I fall back onto the ground, landing on my butt and hiccuping, to tired to move. I suddenly fell arms go around my waist, picking me up and carrying me. I nudge my head into jaspers neck, my arms wrap around his shoulders as my eyes are still closed and my body warms up. "Do you want a shower?" Jaspers chest vibrates when he speaks. "Yea, that would be nice" I say quietly to him, nodding my head and squeezing onto him tighter as we walk up the stairs. He walks me into my bedroom and gently puts me on my bed. He goes into my draws and grabs random thing before helping up and into the bathroom. He hands me the stuff before turning the shower on for me, "I'll be out here waiting for you" He says, kissing my temple before walking out, leaving me dumb founded. Did he just kiss me? Am I suppose to be excited? That's like the first time a boy has kissed that wasn't my father or phil, wow. I undress and hop into the shower, enjoying the heat as I wash my body and hair. Once I'm finished I get out and brush my teeth, put on the clothes jasper got me,

 Once I'm finished I get out and brush my teeth, put on the clothes jasper got me,

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And walk out, my hair semi-dry but it still drips with water. I yawn and sit on the bed next to jasper, feeling like absolute ass. Jasper turns to me about to say something but stops and turns towards the from of the house, where we hear a car pull up. "It'll be Dad with the medicine" I start to say, getting up and walking down the stairs but jasper stops me, "it's not your dad" he says quickly, grabbing me and pulling me back up stairs. How the hell does he know that it's not m my dad?
A pounding is heard on the door, lighter than jaspers but it's still hard. Suddenly a growl leaves jaspers mouth accidentally, I look up at him and his eyes are black. "Aurora?!" A Familiar voice shouts, I relax and try to get out of jasper grip but he only tightens it, causing me to wince in pain. "J-jasper" I say, his head quickly shoots down to mine, his eyes widening when he sees the pain in my eyes, "Aurora I'm so so-" He begins, letting me go but is cut off but another hard bang, "Aurora?! Are you okay?!" Billy calls. I look up at jasper and see the guilt in his eyes, "Go out the back door" I tell him, "I'll see you tomorrow" I continue, He nods his head and follows me down the stairs and sneaks out the back door so quickly and quietly it takes me a moment to realise he's gone. I open the door to see Billy and Jacob, worry written on Billy's face but Jacob just looks confused. Billy's face relaxes when he sees me, "what took you so long to open the door?" He asks cheekily, "I was asleep" I mumble, my cheeks turning red as a small smile appears on my face. Billy and Jacob both smile at me before billy gives me a brown bag. "Here's the medicine your dad got for you" he says, I open the bag to see different things and a note telling me what to take and when to take it. "Yea, okay thanks" I say nodding my head. "We have to get going now" billy says, I nod my head again before turning to Jake, who pulls me into a hug. "Get better soon Ro" he tells me, "I'll try" I says. We all laugh a little before saying goodbye and I close the door. I walk into the kitchen, take the needed medicine before going back up stairs and climbing into bed. Unaware of jasper sitting on my set the whole time I was sleeping.


"Hey" I feel someone shaking me, "Ro" the voice continues, I mumble and groan before sitting up. "Yea" I ask quietly, I rub my eyes before pulling my hair out of my face. "Hey.." I hear Bella say. "How are you feeling?" She asks me, "100% better all ready, that medicine really helped" I tell her. She nods her head before turning to me "I'm heading down to the Rez to go whale watching with Angela, wanna come?" She asks me, "No, not really. I'm sorry Bella it's just to cold" I tell He, looking up at her. "No, no it's fine. Just get some more rest okay?" She tells me, "Yeah, have fun" I say to her, laying back down as she pulls the blankets over me and kisses my forehead. "I will" she says, before getting up and leaving again.

Man being sick sucks

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