when lifE GIVES YO U LemONs

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Chapter 1

The door bell rang, causing me to perk up immediately. I jumped up from my bed, glancing out the window. Surely enough, there was Felix's vintage orange pickup truck sitting in my driveway.

I rushed out my bedroom door and down the hall, chasing down the stairs and passing a frantic maid who quickly darted out of my way.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed.

"But Ms. Monroe, I—"

"Don't worry about it. I'll get it." I called back to her before making my way over to the front door. I didn't hesitate before swinging it wide open, revealing a smiling Felix standing at my doorstep.

"Hey, Lemon."

"Felix!" I laughed, immediately attacking him with a hug as he held me tight. I pulled away from him, examining him closely. "New glasses! Thank God. Your old ones made you look like Jeffery Dahmer."

"So I've heard." he rolled his eyes, chuckling softly at me.

"Come in." I insisted, stepping aside and allowing him in. I shut the door behind us, scurrying past him towards my luggage that was scattered all around the living room. He entered after me, stopping and glancing around at the mess. He then sighed before looking up at me. I smiled at him, causing him to burst into laughter. "What?"

"I've never seen someone so excited to be going to Brookridge. Of all places."

"You only hate it because you live there." I pointed out, sitting down on the couch, "Besides, I just want to get out of this hellhole."

"Hellhole? This place?" he looked around at the room, "You live in a fucking mansion and go to a top tier private school."

"And I hate it all." I sighed. "I need a break."

Felix stared at me, shaking his head. "I don't know what you're expecting to find out there in Brookridge." he said, reaching down and picking up one of my suitcases.

"What, do you not want me to come?" I asked, crossing my arms at him accusingly.

"Are you kidding me? I'm so fucking excited for you to come." he countered. "It's just that...you're so much better than that place."

I watched him carefully as he grabbed as much of my luggage as he could. One of my maids quickly approached to assist him. I finally stood up, helping them as well, my eyes locked on Felix. "I missed you, Felix."

He glanced up at me, our eyes locking. "I missed you too, Clementine."

We held each others' gaze for a little longer than we should've. However, we were suddenly interrupted as my mother abruptly entered the room— her presence immediately commanding everyone's attention.

"What's with all the luggage?" She asked, looking around in confusion. She tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder before crossing her arms and glaring at me.

"Ma'am, Clementine is spending a semester with the Jensens." the maid spoke up, looking from me to my mother. "We've been discussing this for the past week."

My mother then turned, realizing Felix was there. "Oh! Felix, darling. I didn't know you were still around. It's been a while." she chuckled. "Is that old thing in the driveway your car? I thought it must've been the gardener's."

"Hi Mrs. Monroe." he said tiredly with a smile. A forced smile, but a smile nonetheless. I snickered quietly, earning a glare from him. A glare as if to say: If this woman wasn't your mother, I'd probably kill her. "Yeah. It's my car."

"You guys are driving six hours to Brookridge in that?" she said, horrified at the thought.

"Don't you have a plane to catch or something?" I snapped in a way that almost sounded polite. "Where are you going this week? Mexico? Paris?"

"Bali." she corrected me, smiling.

"Right. Well, Felix and I are going to get going." I nodded, nudging Felix a little so that he began to walk to the car.

"Clementine, why don't you just come with me to Bali?" my mother frowned, following us out the door.

"And join in on your reckless drinking and partying? No thank you." I sighed, tossing my luggage into Felix's truck.

My mother watched me with her arms crossed, obviously offended. "I just don't understand what the point is in you going to Brookridge."

"I need a change in scenery." I shrugged, leaning up against Felix's car as they finished up putting away my bags. "I'm looking for something."

"For what?"

"I don't know."

Felix hopped in the driver's seat, starting up his car. I glanced back at him before opening the car door and getting into the passenger seat.

"You know, your father wouldn't want you running away to join another family for a whole summer." My mom scoffed, watching me angrily.

I merely just shrugged at her as we began to drive away. Felix broke into laughter. I joined in as well, leaning my head back against the headrest. "God, my family's crazy."

"Well you don't have to worry about them for the next couple months." Felix pointed out, smiling at me.

That thought made me so unbelievably happy.

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