Part 3

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"Hey. Just thought i'd check in on you. You had some pretty nasty scratches and stuff. Not gonna ask about half of them but, I did the best I could to patch you up. When you awake, you won't recognize a thing but, at least you're in a safe place. And don't worry about your strength. After you've eaten and gotten a drink, you'll feel better in no time. Get well soon. Alright?"


I was awoken by the sound of clashing and clanging. My eyes fluttered open, and I shot up, looking around the dimly lit room I was in. It was a bit ...comforting... but I was confused to say the least. I could recognize that the walls were a soft yellow, white and blue, and the fluffy looking purple rug was decorated with a unique symbol on the hardwood floor. 

Looking down, I found myself on a bed. The mattress was soft, and for the bedding, the sheets were soft silk, and the blanket was thick. The pillows were soft to the touch as well. You'd think I'd lay my aching head back down, but that wasn't really the case. I had woken up, in an unfamiliar place, in an unfamiliar bed, hearing unfamiliar noises. I was confused, and had no idea where I was. I wasn't going to sit around in a place that I never knew about, so I shifted and threw both of my legs over the bed to get outta there. 

Then it hit me. I then remembered that pain I felt whilst trying to move earlier, so I reminded myself to be careful. I closed my eyes, bit my lip, and slid down the bed until I felt my feet touch the ground. 

I braced myself for the excruciating pain to shoot through my body, and....nothing. "What the..?" I opened my eyes, only to find that I was standing up straight, in no pain at all. In fact, my scratches and cuts were gone. Well, partially anyway. My arms were wrapped. 

"Now that's just freaky-" 

My sentence was cut short by my dry and scratchy throat, as I let out a painful cough. After all of that, I was still thirsty. At this point, I was in desperate need of a drink, so I instinctively looked to the nightstand on my right. My eyes grew larger, as I gazed down at what I had been needing for the past few hours. Water. 

I snatched it up without a second thought, downing every last drop that I could consume. I felt my throat begin to shift from a scratchy state, to a more soothed and moist one. I felt the cool icy cold goodness roll down my esophagus and enter my stomach. My trembling hands, gripping the glass cup like I was going to lose it. 

I took any remaining drops of water, placing the now empty glass back onto the nightstand. I felt refreshed, but even after that, I was even more confused. Who brought me here? Who tucked me in? Who left fresh cold water beside me? Where's all my cuts and bruises and band-aids? Where's my bag?! 

I suddenly remembered that I brought a bag full of my belongings, and I frantically raced around the room to find them. Luckily for me, my backpack was hanging on a hook next to a closet. 

I sigh with relief, and run a hand through my hair. It wasn't really tangled anymore. Whoever was here must have brushed it for me. That's when something suddenly smelled. Not a bad odor, but more of a floral one. 

I looked at the arm that was currently next to my face, and sniffed it. '


Say It Ain't So. [Ganz x Reader/ GzTale]Where stories live. Discover now