Sequel Chapter 14 "What the hell are you doing here?"

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Strong arms lay securely wrapped around my waist and I lean my head back against his chest. 

A smile sits on my face as I look around seeing all the friends and family I love so much, dancing, talking, and having a good time. 

"So do I get like a speech or something?" Eli questions, walking up to us, a paper in his hands. 

"Absolutely not," Luke's deep voice rumbles against me. Eli turns his attention toward me and I give him a 'do it' smile. 

Next thing I know, he's running up to the front of the dance floor and yanking a microphone off of the DJ's table.

He begins talking but soon realizes it's not on. He flicks a button on the side of it and then he starts again. 

"I've been given permission to speak," Eli nods out to everyone who looks at him like he's crazy. 

"This is going to be a disaster," Luke leans down to grumble in my ear. I watch Eli as he unfolds his little paper, smiling at how adorable he is. 

"Look, he's prepared and everything," I aw and Luke grunts. Lorraine joins him at the front, in front of all the guests and she aids him in unfolding his paper since he's only got one free hand. 

"When Luke asked me to be his best man," he starts off and I hold in a giggle. 


"Lucas, you're making this more of a big deal than it is," I mumble, mostly focusing on my anatomy homework. 

"What? Am I just supposed to go up and tell him 'oh, you wanna be my best man?' I think not," he replies. 

"Well, that's how most normal people do it," I give him a teasing smile. 

The door to his suite opens and in walks Eli. 

"Look, here is the perfect opportunity to ask," I usher him away from the couch and I. He looks back at me like a child that has been forced to do something and I give him a thumbs up. 

He stops in front of Eli and they just stand there looking at each other. 

"Why are you looking at me?" Luke grumbles and Eli just gives him a funny look. 

"You're looking at me," Eli retaliates and Luke turns his head and looks at me like 'what do I do next?'

"Aubrey, why's he acting so weird?" Eli steps away, looking toward me.

"I think he has a question for you," I tell him happily. 

"Darlin', you ask him," Luke mumbles, turning and looking back at me once more. 

"This has nothing to do with me."

He stomps his foot and with the look I send him, he sighs. 

"Now I'm curious," Eli throws his stuff on the floor excitedly, "ask me."

"You can be my best man if you want...bitch," he adds an insult on the end to make it seem more like him and Eli's eyes light up. 

"I would be honored to be your best man," Eli sniffles, resting his hand on Luke's shoulder. 

Is he crying?

"Eli, are you upset?" I question softly, walking to him and placing my hand on his arm. 

"No, I'm so happy," he turns around, looking down at me giving me a full view of his full-on watering eyes.

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