My Bestfriend Is A Flirt

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You: you're late again //annoyed//

Chanyeol: I know but I had to break up with someone

You: again? That's like the 5th time this month. When are you going to stick to one person?

Chanyeol: When the girl is right for me

You: And when is that girl going to show up?

Chanyeol: When she comes I guess

You: Okay well, come on, lets go to class. We're already usual


Teacher: Miss Y/n and Mr. Chanyeol. Are you guys going to give me another excuse on why you're late?

Chanyeol: Nope. I'm too tired to come up with an excuse //yawn// just use the one we used yesterday

Teacher: //irritated// just come in class

*After Class*

Teacher: okay class, do page 59 of the workbook for your homework. Class dismiss

You: Are you going to eat?

Chanyeol: //shakes head// no, I got a girl on my mind and I need to ask her out

You: Okay, good luck

Chanyeol: Thanks but I won't need it. Have you seen me? I'm irresistible //cocky//

You: Eww,just go. You're making me vomit

Chanyeol: Whatever, I'll see you later at your house

You: Fine but if you show up at 11 or later, I'm not opening the door

Chanyeol: Okay


You: //sigh// Finally. Peace and quiet

?: hey, what are you doing here?

You: //turns head// oh Baekhyun oppa. I didn't know you were here

Baekhyun: I just came here to get some fresh air. I didn't think anyone would be up here

You: Same here

Baekhyun: You want some company?

You: If you don't mind having me as a company

Baekhyun: //chuckle// of course not

You: Then come here

Baekhyun: //sits next to you// ...are you thinking about him?

You: //looks at him// huh?

Baekhyun: //looks at you// Don't you still like Chanyeol?

You: //shock/ uhh

Baekhyun: Isn't that why you're here? To think about him?

You: //looks away//, I don't like him anymore...we're just friends

Baekhyun: //look back to the front// you can say that but I know you're feeling the opposite

You: Does it even matter though? He's a flirt. He goes out with any girl he wants then dumps them after a week. And I don't want to be one of those girl. He's my best friend and if we stay like that, he can't hurt me...but if we were to date...I'm afraid he'll treat me like them..

Baekhyun: Don't you see it yet? You're already hurt..I see how you react when he says he has another girlfriend. You say that you're afraid to get hurt but you already are in your friendship. You hate that he's with someone else but you right?

My Bestfriend Is A FlirtWhere stories live. Discover now