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this is the first part to my story called frozen so called because well i let you guess first one to guess why i called it that wins a prize! Okay no not really but you do have the satisfaction of knowing you were the first to figuer it out! Enjoy

It started with the murder.

Dressed in a grey tracksuit and purple Nike trainers, Josie wasn't your average detective. But then of course she wouldn't have been normal anyway. Brought up in a London council estate, she knew how to defend herself. Specializing in explosives and opening doors meant to be unopenable. She was totally ruthless with any one who crossed her. She also made a mean bacon sandwich.

Josie banged through the door. "YO Liz what 'sup hows me main man?"

"I don't know how many times I have told you My Name is Lizzie! And my gender is female!!!" The deep forest brown eyes met the stormy grey ones in a struggle of wills.

"Whatever" Josie broke the eye contact with an easy shrug but in truth it had rattled her.

No one not even the hardest criminal could look into Lizzie's eyes without looking away. They all said they could see all the evil they had done reflected back in her eyes. Josie too had done some evil in her time and she could see what they were talking about.

One mass murder use to like cutting little bits of his victims off then eating them in front of their faces. Josie had taken him down but not before he had taken Lizzie prisoner. But Josie had told anyone the truth of that day. The truth was that she hadn't lifted a finger and that he basically begged her to lock him up. Away from Lizzie's eyes. He had gone stark raving mad.

Desperate to not let Lizzie see the way she had reacted show on her face she turned to look at a inky purple liquid at the other table. But she was too late, a hurt look came upon Lizzie's face but soon changed to worried. When she saw what Josie was just in the process of lifting up to drink.

"Don't for the love of the Goddess drink that!" (Lizzie was Wiccan not that Josie minded, each to there own as she would say... well not quite like that)

"Why not" Josie exclaimed indignantly "if its dangerous whys it in a drinks glass?"

"That particular biometric substance comprises of undiluted Hydrochloric acid, a spatula of francium and the main element being botlitnium. I just invented it but I had nothing else to hold it....." Lizzie looked over to where Josie had switched off. Lifting up a book she slammed it down in front of Josie who dropped into a fighting stance and looked rather shocked.

"For Fucks sake.... I nearly trumped in me trackies."

"Did you hear a word I said?"

"Err yes?" Lizzie rose one eyebrow "err kind of. Well no."

It's the most dangerous Poison in the world."

"Yeah well all I wanna know is why it's in a drink glass ?"

"Well the idea for it popped into my head and I had just finished my drink and I couldn't put in anywhere else so..."Lizzie shrugged "It's so deadly that even if you smell it you die." Josie found that hard to believe the canteen chef Liew Cain's cooking was well to put it bluntly disgusting! If it wasn't for the fact that her deserts were delicious she probably would have been fired years ago. On more than one occasion Liew's cooking nearly made them never solve a case again!

"Ladies theirs something you need to see." Josie turned round to see the silhouette out lined in the door way.

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