Chapter 42: Tickle Fight

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Austin and I are laying in his bed talking.

"So what do you want for you birthday?" He asks.

"From you. Nothing." I say.

"I'm gonna get you something." He says.

"No you're not. You've already spent a lot of money planning my party. That's enough." I say. He looks at me.

"I'm getting you something." He says.

"No." I say.

"Yes." He says.

"No." I say. Then all of a sudden he starts tickling me.

"Yes." He says while tickling me.

"Austin... Carter... Ma-mahone. Stop it." I say through my fits of laughter.

"Not until you say I can get you a gift." He says.

"No." I say sill laughing.

"Then I'm not gonna stop tickling you." He says. He keeps tickling me.

"Stop. I'm gonna pee myself. You can get me a present." I say. He stops tickling me.

"Thank you." Austin says. I laugh and he kisses me.

"Okay. I really need to pee now." I say standing up. Austin starts laughing.

I walk into his bathroom, do my business, then flush the toilet, and of course wash my hands.

I walk out of the bathroom, and see Austin is laying in bed on his phone. I run and jump on top of him, causing him to drop his phone on his face. I laugh.

"Ow." Austin says holding his face. I laugh.

"I'm sorry." I say. I kiss his nose where his phone hit.

"It's okay." He says. He lays his hands on my back.

"Let's go swimming." I say.

"Okay." He says. We stand up off of his bed.

"I'm gonna go get my suit on." I say. I kiss him and then walk downstairs, out the door, and into my house.

I see my mom standing in the kitchen.

"Hi mom." I say.

"What's up honey?" She asks.

"Nothing. Just changing into my suit, and then going swimming at Austin's." I say.

"That's fun." She says.

"So Austin told me that were moving to Miami in 2 weeks." I say really excited.

"Mhm. Your dad is getting boxes now so we can start packing." My mom says.

"This is going to be so much funnnn." I say.

"Go have fun." She says.

"Okay. Love you." I say. I walk upstairs and put on my suit, then walk back over to Austin's.

Swimming time.

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