Hogwarts express

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me and Lily made our way to kings cross station we had Albus Dumbledore taking us since we had no clue were to go he was one of the teachers there he was really nice and really clever we walked through kings cross talking and laughing when suddenly he stopped us at a random place and told us that we had to run at the wall between platforms nine and ten we looked at each other nodded and ran we both flinched as we came really close to the wall but to our amazement we just went straight through the wall and onto another platform it was so cool the station was filled with parents and children chatting and laughing and mostly staring awestruck at the train when I looked at it I was not surprised at all it was beautiful the ruby red train was gleaming in the light the smoke coming from the chimney just made it more beautiful both our parents were looking around the platform in wonder and admiration me and Lily both said "wow this is so pretty"at exactly the same time we then spotter out our sister sulking in the corner we both went over to her and said "hey it's perfectly fine we will be back in the summer you won't be missing much"

"and besides the teacher who you wrote to-" I started

"-sent a very reasonable reply"Lily finished

"you two should not have been looking through my stuffhow did you find that"

we both stole a glance at severus snape

"it was you and that snape boy I told you guys to stop hanging out with him he hurt me remember"petunia moaned

"we remember it wasn't his fault and besides when we get there I'm sure we can convince professor Dumbledore to reconsider your request to go to hogwarts" we both said trying to get on our sisters good side but it just made it worse

"I don't want to go I don't want to be around your lot your freaks that's what you are thats where your going to a school for freaks"she paused then screamed in our faces "FREAKS" the whistle for the train  sounded we turned our backs and stepped onto the train we made our way down the aisle to find a compartment we found an empty one and say sat down soon severus had has joined us he sat down and started to chat to us then four other boys entered the compartment two were quite rowdy the other two quite quiet they sat and started talking about what houses they would like to be in we had heard about the houses from sev so we joined in "hey James what house do you want to be in" a very curly haired boy asked a messy haired boy

"well I obviously want to be in Gryffindor its the best" they highfived sev snorted "well what house would you like to be in a very curly haired  boy asked a messy haired boy"well obviously I would like to be in Gryffindor who wouldn't" sev snorted the boys look at him and sneered "what you think another house is better do you"

sev cleared his throat "well yeah I'm hoping to be in Slytherin" he said with pride but now it was their turn to snort " Slytherin wow if I got into Slytherin I think I would leave wouldn't you Sirius "he asked the really curly haired boy called Sirius "yeah I wou-"

"-just shut it would you people have a right to have their own opinion on things, yeah I get it you don't like Slytherin but that dose not mean you put someone down completely for it, yes he may have laughed when you said you would like to be in Gryffindor but he didn't go on a full on speech about how he would leave if he was in it so just stop trying to be cool because your not I hate both of you" i said pointing to Sirius and James"you are bo6th jerks who bxhfidjndnxdjdjjsnxbndnxnxj!!" the rest of that sentence was muffled  by the hand of my sister who then dragged both me and Sev away before something bad happened

♡♡♡♡time skip♡♡♡♡

we all walked up the step towards Professor mcgonagall (spelling?) who held a piece of parchment rolled up in her hands "hello and welcome to Hogwarts in a few moments you will pass through these doors and you will sit with your classmates but before you do you must be sorted into your houses while you are here you house will be like your family any good deeds will earn you points any rule breaking you will lose point now the houses there are: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin now please wait here I will be back in a moment" chatter filled the hallway as she walked away and into the hall after a while of this nervous excited chatter she returned and lead us through the huge wooSen doors the great hall was a sight to behold the ceiling was charmed to look like the night sky it was beautiful the four house tables were lined perfectly across the hall the teachers table sat at the front Proffessor Dumbledore sat in a golden throne with saffire assets Professor Minnie stopped at the front of the hall by a stool with an old hat on it "when I call your name you will come forward and I will place the sorting hat on your head "Frank longbottom" he strose forward and the hat was placed on his head  GRYFFINDOR It hollered


after quite a few it was my turn "Liberty Evans" (oh thank Merlin she used my middle name) I walked slowly forwards trembling slightly what if me and Lily got split what if she hated me , i sat on the stool and the hat was placed on my head hmm you are not the cunning type slytherin not at all your quite caring you would do anything for your friends and family but hufflepuff won't do you are exceptionally smart but your bravery is exactly the same so I guess you get to choose so it's between bravery and intelligence well if I choose intelligence I will be the odd one out because I would be brave in using that intelligence so it would be embarrassing because I would be the sassiest in the whole dormitory but if I choose bravery I could use my intelligence in my bravery so it wouldn't be as embarrassing so I will chooses Gryffindor very well  GRYFFINDOR It hollered I got up and walked over to the red and gold table they cheered and clapped my tie and inside my robes turned red and gold my sister was next as i sat down I just turned to watch her sorting she sat down on the stool she was thinking hard then all of a sudden GRYFFINDOR yes we were not split I had nothing to worry about

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