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joe the hoes pov.

monday rolled around and i had already take ben to get stuff at his house, thankfully, avoiding his father.

ben and i planned on holding hands as we walked to school, i was nervous but it was ok because ben was there for me.  holding hands wow , what is this middle school?

i woke, as usual, at 6. i was going to wake up ben, but i decided not to because he was so peaceful.

i went and pick an outfit out for him, and for me. i didn't feel like anything fancy, so i took one of bens sweatshirts and a pair of my own shorts. i picked out a pair of black jeans for him and a white shirt.

at 6:15 i decided to wake him.

"benny, it's time for school.". i say in a soft voice, not to scare him.

"ok". he says with a sad face, no even opening his eyes. once ben opens his eyes he smiles widely.

"so now you're happy?" i ask. he giggles back at me.

"no, is just happy to see you!". showering me with little kisses and some love bites of my neck.  tehee.

"come on benny i picked you out an outfit". he finally gets out of bed.

"ah. so now you're wearing my clothes". he says

"well, it smells like you and i like it". i say with a giggle.

walking to school

ben and i just left and the house are out walking side by side. our hands brush together and i decided to grab his a hold it. he looks up form his phone a smirks at me.

"are you excited for school babes?" he asks.

"im SO EXCITED". i say while squeezing harder.

" calm down baby!" he says with a laugh "you're hurting my hand!".

"i'm sorry baby i'm just so excited, everyone is going to be so jealous cause they can't have you. because i have you." i say while placing a kiss on my hand.

"i love you so much". i say. he just makes me feel so special. like a way i've never felt before.

"i love you too baby.". he kisses me as my turn into the school cafeteria.

heads turn as we walk past. the eyes on me make me want to hide. but ben was holding on tight and i wasn't about to leave him.

"f*ggot". someone yells (i'm not going to type it because i hate that slur 😡).

ben holds up his middle finger at the man the comment came from. he turned to me.

"it's ok baby, it doesn't matter what they think". he gives me a kiss. his voice clams me in all the right ways.

"i love you ben". i say quite loud.

"i love you too baby.". he says.

i have to leave him for the next class which makes me sad.

bens sweatshirt smells of vanilla and fresh sheets. it's comforts me throughout the day. i truly do love him.

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