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the action of anticipating something; expectation or prediction.

"her eyes sparkled with anticipation"

synonyms:  expectation, prediction, forecast;

I always think that this is one feeling that every single human being feels, no matter if we want to or not. In ways it can be a positive or a negative, all at the time. Of course, when it's positive, it's evidently always a lot nicer than the negative. But we can't all live with positive experiences in our life's, coming from me, the optimist. Writing it down here, makes me think how pessimistic I can be sometimes. Quite ironic, if I say so myself. Alas, it's true, negative things come and go, but we should all focus on the positive, whether it be something big like experiencing true love or just something little such as drinking tea from your favourite mug, the positive things are the ones we should focus on. That's not always the case, is it? It seems to be one of our most flawed traits as being a human, because even though positive things happen, it's been seen that the negative can take a lasting effect on us. Sometimes I wonder if its because of our ever need to be filled with happiness that suddenly gets shot down when we have already used it up or can longer find motivation to find that happiness. Sure, we all lose a little bit of hope, but it never a truly leaves us. No, not really.

I find I'm rambling a little bit too much and that is one common fact that you will soon learn about me. I'm a rambler, unable to stop thinking and writing, thinking and writing, until next minute I have moved on to a completely opposite topic altogether. I'm supposed to be talking about anticipation here instead of hope and optimism. I'll save that for another chapter.

So, anticipation. The feeling of knowing something is coming and your just waiting for it to unfold. It reminds me of when you were a child and you play hide and seek. I used to always try to find the best hiding place where no one would find me. Of course, that didn't last very long. I just didn't have the patience to wait for the seeker to find me, so I became very jittery. I soon learned to deal with patience as I got older and I seem to be doing very well so far. I always say, patience is a virtue (literally my life quote).

The actual reason or reasons why I started writing about anticipation is because tomorrow I will be receiving some well anticipated (you see what I did there) exam results and the suspense is just getting too much at the moment. I have waited 3 months for these results and I just want to know what I got. It's weird really, because maybe a week after I get them, they will be long forgotten, as they really have no use. Not entirely. But I'm not saying that they weren't worth it, because I think they will help me in the long run, but the wait is just annoying. The anticipation is killing me. It's one of those negative-ish anticipations, negative because some people just take things seriously and hurt themselves in the process, but I'm not going to get onto that topic right now. Mostly it's a positive wait, because get to know what I got in the exams that I sat 3 months ago, before summer began. I get chillax, without having to strain to know about the results or preparing for another exam anytime soon. But I just want to back to see how other people view my own personal work. I'm kind-of interested to see how my essay went it English or my entire Art project, because different people have different views. I mean it could all go wrong, but hopefully it went well. The only thing I hope that won't happen will be that I will fail, no Ds wanted here.

To sum up my writing thing (I have no idea what to call it), I think anticipation doesn't have to be be the villain to every story. Sometimes it wants to be the hero or heroine, it gets overlooked really. People think that anticipation can be a bad thing, but it's always best when the know the other side of it. We truly experience some amazing things with anticipation. For example if we didn't have anticipation with one of our favourite books, would we ever love that book at all? It must be the optimist talking, but I like seeing to positive side to life, especially the waiting bit.

Life won't be as exciting without a bit of anticipation.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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