Human Settlement on Nividar Part 3

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       David searches for a suitable area for them to move to which is safe from the flying creatures. He came to a lake, but it has large creatures swimming deep underwater in It. One of them slides out of the lake very quickly and tries to bite him, but he shoots it with an arrow so it retreats back underwater.

    David searches for a better place where he and Kyle can be safe which is far away from the Nividians. Like Kyle, he can't stand the thought of being anyone's pet.

    There is another Nividian town beyond the flower forest and the lake, so David heads in the other direction.

    There are sometimes blankets and food on the ground in this direction, but David avoids them. He knows these are live traps to capture humans in.

    David follows a shallow stream to a nice area with giant flowers but not a whole forest. He dosen't think there are too many flying creature nests nearby, as they like dense forests best. This location is a safe distance from the Nividians. 

    David kills a fluffy animal with a flower growing on it's back for food with his bow and returns home to Kyle.

    "Hi, David! How'd it go?" Kyle greets him when he returns.

    "It went well Kyle. I found us a nice safe place to move to and I caught us a nice supper," David says coming inside with his kill.

    "Oh, that's wonderful. It'll be nice to not have to worry about those flying creatures anymore. I wonder how we'll move the table and chairs though," Kyle says. 

    David prepares the meat for them while Kyle prepares the berries and vegtables. David had stolen some vegtables out of a vegtable garden with Kyle's invisibility blanket that he was able to find after much searching. He had also found Kyle's other belongings and brought them back to thier home. Kyle had planted the stolen green beans and carrots and they had begun thier own vegtable garden. 

    The men enjoy thier meal of meat, carrots, and berries. Then they rest for the evening.

    Kyle and David have some meat and berries for breakfast in the morning. Then David takes Kyle with him for a walk and shows him the place he found where they could live. Kyle likes the location and agrees with David that they should move there.

    "If we make a wagon we could get the furniture moved here," Kyle says.

    "Good idea, Kyle. I think I can fashion one," says David.

    "Alright, then. Try it and see if it works," Kyle says. 

    The men head back home, where they rest while they eat the rest of the meat for lunch with some green beans. 

    They had back outside later on and Kyle hunts for food while David searches for the materials needed for the wagon.

    They return home after Kyle has caught a small animal and David has gathered the materials needed for the wagon.

    David begins work on the wagon while Kyle skins and prepares his kill. Three large thick pieces of giant flower stem are sewn together and nailed with giant thorns for the bottom. David carves pieces of giant flower heads into wheels. Sections of stem make axels to put the wheels on.    

    David is trying to attach the wagon wheels to the axels on the bottom of the wagon when supper is ready. The men eat meat and green beans for supper. They go to bed for the night soon afterward.

    David resumes work on the wagon in the morning after a breakfast of meat and berries. He gets all of the wheels attached by lunchtime. They have carrots, berries, and the rest of the meat for lunch.

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