15 years ago (EDITED)

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    I just moved to Haddonfield,illinois. And right now My parents and I are unloading the truck.

"Y/n, are you excited to meet new friends? "Asked my parents.

And I said "I guess, I'm just really nervous."

My parents said "There's no need to be nervous kiddo, I'm sure someone would want to be friends with you!"

My parents have no idea what they are talking about.

After I helped them unpack, I went to my new room and looked out of the window. When I did, I saw a boy around my age. He had blonde hair. And I think I'm going to go say hi.

 I walked out of the door and jogged across the street. As I sat beside the boy, I said "Hi, my name's y/n,I just moved here!"

 The boy said "Hi, I'm Michael Myers And I'm your neighbor!"

I said "Well, it was nice to meet you but I got to go, I'll see you at school!"

And Michael said "Bye!"

My mom said there was only one school here. And that's how I knew I'll see Michael at school.

After he said bye I went to the kitchen to eat dinner, then I headed to my bathroom to take a bath, And then I headed to bed.

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