Going On An Adventure Part 1

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I can't believe I lost my memory when Loomis shot me.

I'm just glad I finally remember Michael.

I can't believe I finally found him.

My love. My soulmate. He is my other half. And I'm so glad he's by my side again.

"Michaelll wake upppp" I sang. He opened his eyes a little and then finally he fully opened his eyes and pecked my lips. KNOCK,KNOCK,KNOCK
"Would could that be?!" I asked Michael. "THIS IS THE POLICE OPEN UP!!"

Michael and I exchanged glances. I went to open the door and one of the officers said "Ma'am Loomis sent me to come get you."

And I completely fell silent and he continued by saying "Loomis said he had unfinished business with you,whatever that means."

And then he took my arm and jerked me out of the door and into their police car.

It was a 20 minute car ride before we reached Loomis's house.

One of the police men knocked on the door.

The door opened and Loomis stepped out.

"Thank you officers for bringing her here,you may go now."  He said with an evil grin.

When the officers left,Loomis dragged me inside.

He tied me to a chair And duck taped my mouth.

"Now you listen here missy, you better tell me where Michael is now or I will kill you myself" Loomis said.

"I'm not telling you where he is" I said being stubborn.

"Have it your way" he said before grabbing 5 knifes and his gun. 

he threw a knife at my stomach,my arm,my leg,my foot, And he threw a knife at my shoulder.

My vision started going black.

He then shot me 2 times in the stomach,the same spot he shot me last time.

And in my head I knew I wouldn't make it.

Goodbye Michael, I love you.

Goodbye world.

And my eyes finally Closed shut.

will she die? will Michael save her? or will he be to late? Continue Reading to find out.

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