Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Alright Lou, one more and your done", He whispered to himself. Blood was rolling down his arms over each cut. Fresh and old ones. Louis brought the blade over to the last spot with no cuts. He pressed it down his skin and slid the blade across, watching it bleed. He's been doing this for the past 2 years. Why? Beacause of Harry.

 Ever since they left the X-Factor, Louis felt different feelings for Harry. Feelings that 

can only be described in one way; he was in love. In love with his best mate. And did Harry know? Nope.

 Louis knew he was gay, he always knew. But no one else did. Not even his family who he knew would accept him. He can't even tell his best mate, who he tells everything too. So, thats why he starting cutting.


~Louis POV~

As the bleeding stopped and I ran out of tears, I walked over to the bathroom sink. I put my arms under water to wash the blood stains away. I let out a small whine because of the stinging. Why can't I stop? I know its bad, but..I just need to get relief somehow. And..this is the only way. Why do I have to feel like this? Why can't love some other guy? Or a girl? I sighed as I went to grab the cover up makeup. And yes I wear makeup. Only because I don't want anyone seeing the cuts! As I was putting on the finishing touches I jumped from a loud bang on the door. "Louis! Come on Out! Breakfast is Ready!" Harry shouted from the other side. I groaned and slowly stood up to get the door. "Harry, what the fuck! You scared the hell out of me!" I still had my morning voice but I didn't care. "Sorry Boobear" whispered Harry and he pulled me in for a hug. Oh how I love his hugs. He's always so warm and smells amazing! I just melt away in his hugs. He pulled back from the hug and looked at me in a strange way. Like he was trying to read my emotions. Fuck! I bet my eyes are still puffy from crying. I'll just say I got something in my eyes or something. After that extremely awkward moment of silence we started to walk downstairs for breakfast.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Harry POV~

There was something wrong with him. He's been acting weird for a while now. Anyone could tell. Especially today. His eyes were red and puffy, like he was crying. And he was holding onto his arm tightly. And he was faking a smile. Maybe he was just tired..but that doesn't make sense! I tried to put it out of my mind and went over to the kitchen table where the other boys were. On the table there was a stack of pancakes (some chocolate chip ones for Liam), and bacon. I looked over to Niall to see him literally inhaling his food. "Slow down Niall!" Liam said in a stern voice. Niall just gave him a glare and continued on. I look over to Louis who isn't even eating. I gave him a confused look but he just smiled back. What was wrong with him?!

Later at night the boys left to go do..well I don't even know. Nialls probably going to eat more food and play video games along with Zayn, and Liam is probably going to do a twitcam or spend time with Danielle. I sighed and went over to the Tv. I was flicking through channels and eventually found a marathon of Friends. I rushed over to Louis' room to tell him about Friends. We always watch it together. I was about to knock and then I heard sobs from the other side. 


~Louis POV~ 

We were sitting at the table eating breakfast. As usual, Niall was stuffing his face, Liam was yelling at him, and Zayn was just..being Zayn. Harry on the other hand wouldn't stop watching me. He didn't suspect anything..right? I played around with my food so it looked like I ate. My phone buzzed and I got a text from my mum "Hi honey, hope you have a good day! Mum x." I texted her back then checked the time on my phone. I looked at the background. Me and Harry. Fuck he's handsome. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I wiped it away before anyone could see.

For the rest of the day I was locked in my room, crying and cutting. And no, not my arms. The cuts were on my sides. Didn't want to risk anything. I took a break and put the blade away. I walk over to the closet which had a box of memories in it. Memories of Harry and I. He doesn't know I have this. It's filled with photos, videos, anything that had to do with us.

I opened up a photo album I made from the X-Factor. We were so young. Acting like we were drunk all the time. Yep, I can see the Larry there. I smiled at myself and tears starting rolling down my face. I wiped the tears that fell onto the photos. I finally got down to the last photo.

It was harry, down on one knee, holding a rose. It looked like he was proposing to me. I remember that moment. I acted as if it was an act and acted lovey-dovey. Well...I wasn't EXACTLY acting. I put the photo down and grab the last thing in the box.

A rose.

The rose that Harry gave me.

The rose Harry gave me the night I fell in love with him. It wasn't JUST because of that one rose. Something else happened that night that no one else knows about

~Flashback (Because I'm just flacking amazayn) IN LOUIS POV BY THE WAY~

We have just finished our performance on the X-Factor. We all decide to go out to eat. To Nandos of course. Shortly after we arrive there we all take turns ordering our food. We all turn to Harry. Well, we were but he wasn't there. So, I order for him. Where the fuck was that cheeky boy?!


While we were walking into Nandos I kept thinking. No, not about the performance. I was thinking about Louis. Ever since we met we've been like best mates. I never had friends before I came here. He's been amazing! I should give something to him in return. But what? And when will I get "it"? Then it hit me. It was so crowded. I'm sure no one will notice I snuck out. 

Before anyone saw, I rushed out of the restauraunt. Not sure where I'm going though. What am I even getting him? I kept walking, not sure where I'm going. I didn't know where I was until I snapped out of my thoughts. I was in a park. A beautiful one. No one was there. Right in front of me there was a field of flowers. Roses to be exact. Red roses to be more...exacter? It was beautiful. Then it hit me. Louis loves roses! I run through the field and come upon a bright red rose. Brighter than the others. I pick it up. Louis will LOVE this.

As I walked out of the park, I started thinking. Again. What am I going to say to him? I wanted this to be special. I walked towards the exit/entrance and the park then stopped in my tracks. All of a sudden I drop down, not moving. And then memories of Louis and I (or what we had). I felt butterflies in my stomach. My palms were sweaty. What was happening? I pictured Louis. His crystal blue eyes. His light-brown hair. Like the color of chocolate milk or caramel. His heart-warming smile. At that moment, I knew what was happening. I don't care if its way too soon. 

I'm in love with Louis Tomlinson. 

MWAHAHA. You like? What will happen? Seriously..I don't actually know. 

O'TAY. So this is my first fanfic. Not my last. Yes, I know the beginings really bad. I DID NOT plan this story. I'm starting to get side-tracked.

Since yanno..schools starting tomorrow. 

I PROMISE next chapter will be EXCITING. :] I'll update soon. 

Comment/Fan/Vote? Love chu C:

Lots of Loveeh, 

Missy :] xx.

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