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Renee Thompson *picture on the side*

I focused my attention across the street. The police had just broke down the front door of Boonie, the man on the block who stays on trouble. Stealing, drugs, trespassing,etc. You name it he’s gotten in trouble for it.

“You think he goin’’ to jail?” Kendrick asked, taking a sip from his Pepsi can.

“Y’all, I think it’s the last we see of Boonie” Nikki responded, shaking her head as she leaned her small body against the light pole.

Police stormed out the house with a handcuffed Boonie. He cursed and moved around, causing the police officers to have a hard time keeping a strong grip on him. “DAWG, LEMME GO! I’LL SHOOT YO ASS!” Boonie threatened. The officers stayed concentrated on getting him into the back of the car and out of here.

Finally, they got him thrown into the back of the car. They quickly slammed his door and jumped in the car, while the other police officers searched the house to find anything.

“Damn, Boonie was my nigga too” I sighed, shaking my head.

“Right” Kendrick and Nikki responded in unison.

I dropped my head and sighed in disappointment. Slowly but surely, everyone I got to know on this street was leaving. Either they’ve got shot, arrested, or escaped the street before they’ve got found. The last two people I were extremely close to are, Nikki and Kendrick.  I knew these two weren’t leaving my side anytime soon.

“Yo Ree, here come your sister and your brother” Kendrick said, looking down the street. I seen Raina, running down the street with Ryan.

“What the hell?” I exclaimed, getting from sitting on the corner. I started running down the street, once I got closer I seen worried looks on their faces. “YO, YO, YO! WHAT’S WRONG?!” I quickly questioned, meeting my brother and sister half way.

“Ma..Ma..Ma..ithappenedsofastIdon’tknowwhattodo” Raina spit out without taking at least one breath.

“Oh my god, Raina, what happened to Ma?” I asking, hoping it wasn’t what I thought it was. Raina just looked at me ?)with her big brown eyes then took off running, extremely fast. “Shit” I quickly said, snatching up Ryan and running down the street with him tightly held in my arm.

I kept calling after Raina, she just kept running . “Ry,you need to try to tell me what happened to mommy” I asked, beginning to lose breath. “Mommy..” he softly said as I continued running. “Mommy..mommy fell down” he said in his small, 1 year voice.

He didn’t need to say anymore.

I picked up the pace, no matter how tired I was beginning to get. This was the 4th time this week my mom has passed out. I was getting pretty worried.

Finally, I arrived at the front of the house. I kicked the old, beat up gate door open, ran up the front of the steps and walked into our house with the front door wide open. I placed Ryan on to the floor and ran into the room where I heard Raina screaming and panicking.

I stood in the doorway, staring at the lady laying on the floor all sprawled out.

I gulped hard and my heart began beating even faster than before.

"I was just sitting in the living room watching t.v with Ry and all of a sudden I heard a loud thump." Raina quickly said as I dropped to the ground and tried to wake my mom up.

"What was mom doing up? I told you to make sure she stays in bed while I was gone" I snapped, looking up at Raina furious.

"I..she..I...I'm sorry"

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