Chapter 17: Of Flames and Romance

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3rd POV:

2 weeks later...

Blaze walked out of her new friend and his brother's mansion, deciding she wants to explore the city.

" Where are you going?" Seto suddenly asked behind her.

Jumping from the sudden appearance of Seto behind her, Blaze turns around to face him, her facial expression unreadable.

" I was going to explore around the city but if you need something from me at the moment what I was going to do can wait..." Blaze replied expression turning from being unreadable to having a small but pleasant smile showing that she is willing to be of some assistance.

" No, I was just curious... besides you're a grown Dragon woman, go do what you want." Seto said nonchalantly.

Blaze smiles nodding contently with what she was told then turns and leaves for Domino City.

( Time skip)

Later,Blaze find herself in a suburban area near Domino. There she finds a small building that has a strange name called Kame game shop. Curious, she begins to fly with wings lightly flapping forward for a closer look.

She then finds herself hiding in a nearby bush when she sees four unfamiliar people walking towards the strange building.

Blaze's POV:

' Whoa! That was too close.... they could've seen me. Who knows what they would have done if they would have seen me with my wings out. They have never seen anything like me before.' I thought to myself calming down after a slight panic attack.

Peeking out of the bushes that I am hiding in, I watched closely to see what they are going to do, when I hear one of them say the name "Yugi".

' Hey, I know that name.... I think I heard it from Seto maybe once or twice and then again from another person within a group of people that I sensed when I was still in my Light Stone form....' I mentally contemplated.

" Yuge, what happened?!" I heard one of them yell in distress. I wonder, what did just happened?

" The key snapped in half...,now I can't unlock the door. I guess we will have to wait until my grandfather gets home." The one that I now know is called Yugi or " Yuge" by the blonde one said.

If Seto knows this Yugi person, then perhaps I should too. I've decided I'm going to help them, since I think they are the people that have found my Crystal before Seto obtained it almost 3 weeks ago. So it shouldn't be much of a problem to show them one of my minor powers..., I hope so at least.

Since deciding what my next plan of action was going to be, I come out of my hiding spot and sneak up behind them asking if they need help.

Yugi's POV:

Ugh, I broke the spare key to the game shop. Now how did I manage to do that? The only thing we can do now is wait until my grandfather gets home and unlocks the door himself, I can only hope he doesn't get too mad that I broke the key.

" Hey, did you guys need help with anything?" Came a female voice from behind.

Startled, I quickly spin on my heels to face the owner of the voice of the person who was talking. Apparently I wasn't the only one though since it seems my friends had the same idea.

When I did get the chance to see who the voice belongs to, I saw a girl with white hair that comes out in the back like twin ponytails from the top of her head with tufts of hair spiked up to look like flames...

A Dragon similar to Blue eyes White Dragon? (Seto Kaiba x Female! Reshiram OC )Where stories live. Discover now