Chapter 2: The Altean Promise

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Shiro and the cadets looked at the board as Keith explained that an energy had brought us out here. I stepped in to explain the cave systems with carvings that led us to where we all were now, my eyes didn't dare look at Shiro as I talked. The cadets talked a bit as my mind started thinking of why Shiro wouldn't remember me of all people. Maybe his time in space traumatized him, no matter what, I promised to myself that I would never let him be hurt again. Keith waved his hand in front of my face as everyone left the shack, Hunk had some device that led us to a new cave, we explored part of it. Lance's hand touched the markings as they glowed blue. The ground crumbled under everyone as I jumped back, I heard their yells and shouts. I looked down into the pitch dark and called down to them before I jumped down after them. Keith and the others had started walking towards the mechanical lion in the center of cavern. A shield or forcefield of some sort kept Keith out, as he asked how to get it, Lance knocked on it and the shield crumbled away into air. I saw a vision of five lions coming together to form a giant robot. The other five gasped and started chattering as I saw more in the vision, another lion, a silvery one with magnificent wings watch over the head of Voltron. The two lions ran alongside each other before combining into a large dark grey lion. The vision stopped as the blue lion roared. Everyone was talking about the five lions as we walked into the robot.

I marveled at the tech alongside Pidge as Lance started up the lion. We were quickly thrown to the floor as the lion shot out into the sky. Keith and I glared at Lance as the lion stopped shaking. As Keith and Lance started bickering, Shiro stepped in and told them we were all stuck in this. We ran into an alien warship, the giant ship chased us into a wormhole. I quickly zoned out, terror and a small sense of purpose coursed through my veins. I was brought out of space as the lion landed in front of a castle. We quickly made our way through the castle, Hunk called out what seemed like every minute.

No one answered as we came into an empty room, Lance leaned on a stand of some sort. I went to go explore on my own, the halls were lit up with a warm light. I wandered the halls until I came to a door with more symbols like the cave. I placed my hand on it and I saw inside the room. A black lion sat there and waited, it was waiting for Shiro, I could sense it's excitement. I pulled away and shook my head, that was weird, I should head back to everyone else. I somehow made my way back to the group, now there was another girl and an older man. I was introduced to Allura, the girl, and Coran, the older man. We all headed to what Allura called the bridge and she pulled up a map of the cosmos. each of the lions went to everyone, except there was no silver lion. Lance had the blue lion, Pidge had the green, Hunk had yellow, Keith had red, Shiro was given the black lion. "What about the silver one?" Allura looked at me after I spoke like I was insane. "There is no silver lion." I rolled my eyes and shot back," I saw it in the vision after everyone else's lion, she watched over the black lion." Allura frowned. "I think you might be wrong, I assure you we will come back to that later, but first we need to gather the other lions."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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