48- Freak Out, Pass Out

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Chapter Forty Eight:

Freak Out, Pass Out:

On Sunday, Mom had said that too many weird things had been happening, and that we needed some sort of normality. So she dragged me along grocery shopping with her. Then we did a million other errands that didn’t really need to be done, but we did them anyways.

I didn’t complain about it, though. It got my mind off of everything that had been happening, and I got new jeans out of the deal. Jeans I didn’t have to pay for too.

“Hey,” Quinn greeted me when I reached the stop sign Monday morning. “Where’s you shadow?”

“California,” I said simply.

“What is he doing there?” Quinn demanded.

“Basketball camp. Today is the last day of it.” It felt weird explaining this because Garrett had already been gone four days. But I guess Quinn would have had no way of knowing about any of this. We hadn’t started talking again until Saturday and it hadn’t come up.

“Oh. When do they get back?”

“This evening.”

Quinn groaned. “Well this sucks.”

“What? How?” I asked. She wasn’t affected at all by the basketball thing.

“Because you’re going to be grumpy all day,” Quinn said with a shrug.

“What makes you say that?” I asked. I didn’t feel grumpy at all right now, why did she think I would get grumpy?

“How long have they been gone?” She asked, ignoring my question.

“Since Thursday morning.”

“So haven’t seen Garrett for four- five days? You’re defiantly going to be grumpy later.”

“We’ll see,” I said simply.

But it turns out, Quinn was right. I started out the morning just fine, but by the time lunch came around, I wasn’t very social. I was too excited for Garrett’s arrival. I wouldn’t even get to see him tonight, he was getting back too late. But I would see him tomorrow.

When I got home after school, I tried to keep myself occupied so I wouldn’t think about Garrett, but it didn’t work. I ended up just bouncing with anxiousness and glancing at the clock every couple of seconds.

I tried to cure my boredom by watching the girls, but they did nothing out of the ordinary. Well other than play house with Alice’s teddy bears instead of the Barbies.

My afternoon passed slowly and painfully. But somehow I survived until dinner when my parents came home.

Dinner passed normally, albeit painfully slowly. My parents must have noticed how jumpy I was, but they didn’t comment on it.

Garrett didn’t call after dinner, but that was expected. He had more important things- like getting home- to worry about.

“Bridget,” Mom said. There was a small smile on her lips. “Why don’t you go to bed?”

“It’s only eight thirty,” I said after glancing at the clock. Not that I had needed to, I was well aware of what time it was. I only checked every ten seconds.

“Yeah, but the sooner you get to sleep, the faster tomorrow will come,” Mom reasoned.

“Good point,” I said, inclining my head the slightest bit.

I sat on the couch a while longer before giving up and heading upstairs to get changed.

“Are you heading to bed?” Dad asked as I disappeared from the room.

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