Chapter 12 - Syria

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The next night

The citadel looms in front of the trio having arrived from France, a darkened sky lit up by a full moon.

"Damn it. Still can't reach either one of them. Something is definitely not right." Nate states, pocketing his phone.

"How long 'til this place opens?" Sully asks.

"We've got a few more hours before the tour buses start showing up." (Y/N) replies, glancing at her watch.

"Then we better hustle." Sully says, making his way up to the entrance.

"Chain's been cut." (Y/N) points out once at the door. "Okay, so we know we're not the first ones here." Nate says.

"As long as Marlowe and Talbot think we're dead." Sully pushes open the door and they walk in. "We got the element of surprise." He finishes, closing it behind them. "Let's not waste it."

"Right. So we sneak in, we find out where they're holding Chloe and Cutter." Nate explains the plan.

"If they're holding them." Sully corrects.

"Glass half full, Sully."

"I'm just saying these guys don't seem like the hostage taking type."

"Let's just go with the best case scenario right now, okay?" (Y/N) sighs. "Rescue Cutter and Chloe and the five of us just sneak back out."

"Yeah, right. Sneak back out." Sully scoffs.

"It could happen!"


Nate begins to climb his way above the gate and motions for the two to join him. "C'mon up, it's clear."

Sully and (Y/N) follow him, going down the bridge, the spotlights directing them until they come to a wooden door.

"I'll climb up and around. I'll let you in if it's safe." Nate say and the two watch him climb around and disappear out of sight. There's a calm silence between the pair as they loiter around outside until the sound of gunfire is heard from inside.

This lasts for a few minutes before silence is regained once more. Sully and (Y/N) wait anxiously outside the door and then there's a knock. "Come on. It's clear."

(Y/N) opens the door and walks in with Sully at her side. "What the hell you've been doing?" Sully questions.

"Uh... the usual."

They cross the room and Nate goes to one of the wheels at the side of the door, (Y/N) going to the other. The two pull them down until the gate falls open like a drawbridge. Nate leads them across the courtyard area, shooting the lock of the gate. "We better hurry it up."

(Y/N) goes behind him up the stairs and through the open gate, jogging down the tunnel. They move to another metal gate until they reach a well, a bucket hanging over the top.

"Lower me down." Nate instructs, jumping to the bucket. Sully does so and (Y/N) looks over to see him drop into the water. "Anything down there?"

"Give me a sec. I'll check it out." He disappears from sight and she returns back to Sully, who had already gone for a walk.

"Where are you going?"

"I spotted a door. Over here, c'mon." He says, making his way over.

(Y/N) pushes on it, the cold and smooth metal making her shiver. "It's no good, it must be locked on the other side." She looks through the gap in the bars to see Nate, just a distance across from them. "Nate, over here!"

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