Embarrassing sleepover

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It was yet another hot summer morning and Soarin was in the kitchen getting some breakfast.

He had the day and the day after that of.

No training, no shows.

He could truely enjoy the two days, but...he didn't really know what to do.

He was thinking about doing something with his friends, but he wasn't really feeling like hanging out.

Suddenly a idea formed in his mind.

(,,Maybe...maybe I could ask Rainbow Dash of she feels like comming over. We could do a movie night or something. Or just hang out for a while, after all we are close friends and she has the day of aswell.")

,,Yeah, I'm gonna ask her, this is going to be awesome. If she agrees ofcause.", he said to himself, before he finished his pie and got ready to leave.

He headed for Dashes cloudhome.

Soarin was slightly worried: ,,I sure hope she has nothing planned."

Soarin arrived at Dashes house and knocked on her door.

She opened it and smile at him.

,,Oh, hey Soar. Whats up ?"

,,Not much.", he replied with a smile aswell.

,,Wanna come over tonight, we got the day of so I thought that you might want to watch some movies with me."

,,Yeah sure, sound good to me. I got a few things to do though, I come over later on. Ok ?"

,,Yeah sure."

,,Want me to bring anything ?"

,,Nah I think we are good. I got some snacks at my place and a few good movies."

,,Ok awesome, I see you later Soar."

,,Yeah, see you later Dash."

With that said, Soarin flew of.

He was happy that Dash was free for tonight.

He really didn't want to be bored.

Its always fun to hang out with Dash.

Time skip

Its evening by now, around 8pm.

A knock was heared on Soarins door.

He opened it.

,,Hey Dash, come on in."

,,Hey Soar. And thanks."

They walked over to the couch that Soarin readied for them.

A few comfortable pillows and a big blanket.

He also got them some snacks.

Dash sat down on the couch while Soarin turned the TV on.

,,Hey, there is a blanket for us, but ähh... if...if you are not comfortable with that, like us and the same blanket, I can get another one."

Dash chuckled: ,,Thats quiete alright, I mean, we have been friends for years, its not like I have a problem with beeing close to you."

He started a movie and layed down on the couch.

Slipping under the warm blanket.

,,Ok then, come and get comfortable.", with that said he slightly lifted his wing and the blanket so Dash could lay down as well.

And she did, she snuggelt close to Soarin and he pulled the blanket over both of them.

They just spent a hour or two like that.

Embarrassing sleepoverWhere stories live. Discover now