17 || It's getting closer

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3 Days later.

-Zhenya's POV-

It seems that everything is getting back to were it should be, it looks like everybody is finding peace and happiness through the things they love; Seventeen members are excited for their world tour that is coming closer by each day, and now, all of them aren't mad at Jun anymore. On the other hand, Cho, Rain and you began the clothing line together, and the ideas the three of you have are really fresh and unique.

In spite of all the happiness and good thing that had happened, two days ago Minghao revealed something to you which really changed your thoughts completely. He admitted to being in love with you, but as a friend, he never liked you another way.

Currently, you are talking about him with Cho and Rain while both of you are making other designs for the coming line. And just as you, they look very impressed and confused by Minghao's words.

-So, are you telling me that he never liked you? Like never ever? – Cho questioned while she kept on looking at the fabric samples.

-Exactly, he never liked me the way she told Jun and me – You spoke. -He just liked me as a friend – You added.

-And why do you think he said that to both of you? – Rain asked.

-I don't know, at this point, it could be anything – You admitted.

-Maybe he wanted to distract your brother from Jun, and to prevent your relationship from being discovered – Cho suggested.

-If that's so, he did a great job – You admitted.

-Yes, he did – Rain nodded along with Cho.

She grabbed one of the samples she was looking at, then Cho walked towards you and showed it off to you and Rain.

-I think you can work something out with this colour, what do you think? – Cho asked while looking at the fabric.

-Looks nice – You said while holding it. -Maybe a spring dress, but with another cut on the sides – You suggested as you started to draw the design you had in mind.

-And maybe, we could add a print of a flower right here – Cho said while pointing at the bottom of the dress.

-Lotus flower? – You asked.

-Perfect – Rain nodded.

-Waa~ another design complete – You smiled.

-We still have eight more to go – Cho chuckled.

-Yes, I know – You sighed.

-Are you worried about Minghao? – Rain asked with a settle smile.

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