''Edges of Plates''

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Love is an intangible feeling that makes us vulnerable to danger, pain and suffering.

 "rocks underground suddenly breaks along a fault."

How ever, Love is the foundation of friendship. It bring us together and promotes cooperation.

Friendship and cooperation is usually contaminated betrayal and lies. The people we love can easily manipulate our trust.


S U P E R F I C I A L - L O V E.

Love is often described as a beautiful feeling that expresses affection and friendship. In a world full of social problems, if we loved a little more we could solve most of these problems.  Love can be expressed in many ways, we have to be aware that love hurts when expressed or not expressed accordingly.When we show love, we are happy and satisfied with life. Love is a pervasive theme in life, and it makes our lives better. Throughout the semester we read various texts that express the theme of love in various ways. Below is an analysis of the theme of love in different texts, movies and in day to day life.

Love is a multidimensional concept in that it can be seen in different angles and different aspects . Love can be seen in any subject involving faith, morality, psychology, opinions among others and the powerful movement of rocks in the Earth's crust. Love is expressed in different ways. So sit back and hear my story as i describe "For thee, My Gorgeous Earthquake."

My point of view,

As I inched my way toward the cliff, my legs were shaking uncontrollably. I could feel the coldness of the rock beneath my feet when my toes curled around the edge in one last futile attempt at survival. My heart was racing like a trapped bird, desperate to escape. Confused.

Gazing down the sheer drop. My entire persona flashed before my eyes. As i realized how my legs were shaking so much like how the rocks collides each other during the shaking of the ground. Earthquake.

It is the hardest part of any my life, but when it gets mixed in with an awkward adolescent's idea of liking someone, the scenario turns into a ''Earth tremor convulsion" emotional adventure. Like my plate wasn't overflowing already with a chemistry teacher who called me "Crash" (a name I acquired after dropping a beaker during our first lab), a sassy algebra teacher who said that I didn't have the aptitude for the subject, or a French teacher who flirted with the class and laughed at her own jokes. No, I complicated things even further because stupid me fell in love. 

 "microseism, seismic upheaval," 


T R O U G H; T R U S T.

"It honestly goes against my idealistic nature to put trust here as an obstacle to living life fully." 

After all, isn't trust something that we all should have? Doesn't the lack of trust lead to suspicion and cynicism? Don't we lose a great deal of our so-called innocence when we reject trust? Well, yes and no to all of those questions.

Trust is a wonderful ideal, but what concerns me is the tendency among many people to put too much trust in other people, or trust in the wrong people. Both actions lead to extremely negative results that can affect one's own self-esteem and perspective of life. Another damaging aspect of trust is how we feel about ourselves and our lives after our trust has been betrayed. This idea may fit better on a page called "betrayal," but betrayal is something that others do to us, not something that we have control over. We have control over the level of trust we put in someone and over the way we react when that trust has been betrayed.

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