Chapter 1

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Ok, so I'm Karli. I am eighteen years old. Kian and I have been dating for about two years. I absolutely love that boy! He's so kind to me and he is just the best boyfriend ever! Did I say I absolutely love him?

Well, as you probably know Kian lives with Ricky and Jc. I am absolutely fine with that. Except, he hangs out with them ALL THE TIME! Like, as if he doesn't live with these guys? It used to be one of my biggest pet peeves about the relationship. Over time I have just gotten used to it though. Also, Kian had eventually caught on. He noticed that whenever he would hang with the guys I would be a little moody.

Now, let me tell you. When Kian takes me with him to hang, that I'm ok with. The guys love me. In a friendly way, obviously. Or so I thought. Ricky is a real nice guy. He's funny and his lisp is so hilarious. I make fun of him all the time and it's just very funny. Jc is awesome too! Until that one day.

I'll start from the beginning. Kian and I were in his room. Nothing weird, we were just watching a movie. Ricky called Kian for something, so he paused the movie and went to Ricky. He said he'd be right back, so I just waited in his room. After Kian left I just looked around his room, I fiddled with one of his pictures that was sideways. Suddenly Jc comes bursting in the door!

"Jc? What's up?" I said.

"Karli, hey. Can I ask you something? It's kinda personal," Jc whispered.

"Yea, yea of course! What's wrong?" I looked at him, concerned.

He sat down on one of the chairs in Kian's room. I walked over and sat on the bed.

"Karli, I have a problem and I really don't know what to do. I wanted to ask the guys, but you're the only one that would really understand," he looks straight into my eyes. I can definitely tell something is wrong.

"What about Lia? Can't you talk to her?" I ask. Jc looks down. He brings his knees up on the chair and hugs them. He slowly starts to put his head down, when I hear sobbing. I get up quickly and walk over. I give Jc a big hug.

"What's wrong? You can tell me," I say. Kian walks back in. He gives me a confused look. I just shrug.

"Jc? Are you alright?" asks kian. Jc quickly gets up and leaves.

"What was that about?" Kian asks.

"He said he had to ask me something important. He said that he didn't want to talk to you guys. So I said what about Lia? Then he started crying," I say. I am now trying to hold back tears. Seeing one of my best friends cry, it's really awful!

"I don't know what that was about," Kian says.

"Do you mind if I go check on him?" I ask. I give Kian a hug. He nods and I walk out. I don't even take one step out the door and I hear crying coming from the linen closet. ok? I think to myself. I walk over to the closet, quietly.

"Jc? Are you alright? Can you please talk to me?" I say. Jc's whimpers stop. The door opens and before I can even say anything I am in Jc's hug. He lets go and says "I really need to talk,"

"Ok," I say. We go back to Kian's room.

"Ok so what's wrong," I ask. Kian is there too. He looks at Jc, confused.

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