Chapter 3 - Unexpected

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Chapter 3 - Unexpected

Saya's journey to the dinner was uneventful but there were movements in which she thought that she is being followed but whenever she would turn back to look there was no one.

But then again she must be wrong as she was walking down a lonely road with no sign of life other than the forests that was surrounding the road.

20 minutes later she could see the town coming in view. Every thing was quiet except of a few people littered here and there doing their daily chores.

Reaching the diner she opened it and started dusting and cleaning. It was only 6:45 and her staff arrives at 7:30 and people start to fill in at 8. She had done most of the cleaning only kitchen and the counter was left when Danny, Lily and Lolita arrived.

"Saya!!!!" Shouted Lolita and came running towards Saya to give her a hug. But Saya moved out of the way and

Lolita caught nothing but air then tumbled to the floor. Danny and Saya laughed while giving each other a high five.

Lolita complained about how rude she is and that she would never talk to her again. Shrugging her of she continued her work.

Zack and Zasha arrived a little late with bruises marring their face and hands. Lily moved forward to ask them but Zasha gave a look that said not-in-front-of-the-humans. And all of then resumed working.

After the last customer left Danny locked the front door and Lily castes a spell that made the dinner sound proof for supernatural beings. Lolita glanced at Saya before turning to the twins.

" Speak " was the only word she said and waited patiently.

" The Ashwood pack was in the town last night and was searching for something....." Zack trailed.

So that's why the wolves were howling last night thought Saya.

" or more specifically some one. But it is more than one and are not bigger than 8 years. " added Zasha

" You mean children.....But how is that possible? Wolves ore protective in nature they won't let their kids wander of..." Asked Danny confused.

" The kids were taken by the Rogues. But that's not the problem because the Ashwood pack is just helping in looking for the kids as the don't want to get harmed. They are looking for then to save their asses from getting killed..." Zack trailed of again and he swallowed audibly.

" Which pack do the kids belong to Zack? " asked Lily

" The Dark Knight pack " whispered Zasha

The atmosphere began to crackle with tention and fear. When Zack looked at Saya's confused face he sighed an explained " the Dark Knight pack is the most dangerous and the most strongest and deadly pack ever existed, it is said that their alpha can order an alphas of other packs. No pack wants to have them as their enemy. It is said that alpha's great great grandfather saved saved the Goddess of Stars the sister of the Moon Goddess when she came to earth in search of shelter when their father the Creator was angry at her for being irresponsible. She stayed with them for a week. Whenever the alpha asked what was the reason behind that she ran away from her family she would say that her father was an alpha and he wanted her to take the responsibility seriously but she failed and he got angry with her so she fled. But she never told them that she was a Goddess. Then one day the alpha made the Goddess come with him when he did his pack duties and showed her how every one had responsibility so they should not run away from them instead she should face them head on. " Zack paused and then Lily continued

" The goddess realised this and decided that she would go back but not before showing her gratitude towards the alpha. She gave the alpha an armor made by star steel which cannot be broken by other supernatural creatures. And since then every wolf of that linage has inhered the armor which connects them to the Goddess of stars making them superior to others. "

Saya nodded trying to digest the information but still she did not understand why they were so afraid of this pack.

" But we are not afraid of them coming here and checking on us cause we know that we are innocent. I am more worried about the alpha..." Said Zasha said and everybody except Saya agreed.

" Yes that's true so I think it would be wise if we don't hide our smell other wise they would be questioning us and be more suspicious towards us. " says Lily

Saya made a hand gesture of ' why ' and Lolita explained " It is said that when the alpha was just a month old rogues killed his parents. But has raised by his grand parents, then when he was 12 or so the rogues came again and killed the grandmother. It was said that she was torn to pieces the grandfather could not bear the pain of separation the he shut himself of and only the alpha was allowed to meet him and the pack doctor. Since the grandfather cut him self from the world the responsibility of alpha was put on his shoulders and he was only 13 year old " she finished with admiration and fear in her eyes.

After putting two and two together she understood what they mean that they are worried about the alpha. The loss of loved ones at such a young age made him cold hearted and emotionless.

" They can come any time so maybe we should stick together " said Danny

It was almost 11:30 pm when she left the dinner after bidding fair well to all Saya started to walk home.

She pulled her jacket closer as cold wind started to blow. At night the forest looked enchanting but today Saya got a very creepy feeling like there are creatures that are watching her.

Movement in the shrubs by the road side caught her attention and she stopped.

She scanned the area expecting a squirrel or a rabbit to pop up. But the thing that pop up was neither, it was a kid 7 or so.

Saya satired at him eye wide then more came, almost 5 of them they walked towards her. There were 3 boys and 2 girls all covered with dirt, sweat, leaves stuck in their hair.

They circled her touched her as if familiarising her. The girls came forward they looked the same with shoulder length blond hair and same facial features but had different eye color one had light blue eyes the other had dark blue.

They all stared at Saya and something flashed in their eyes. Recognition or mistake Saya was not sure.

One minute they we still the other they were running towards shouting and crying they crashed into her and clung to her as if she was their life line.

She cleared her thoughts and focused her attention on the kids but was shocked to hear what they were calling her, they were all shouting

" MOMMY!!! "

Pic of the twins~~~>




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