Chapter eight

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Seth and Delanie pull the covers back to their king sized bed and rest their backs on the headboard as they discuss Arden's recent behavior.

"Arden is a fourteen year old boy Seth, he is going to try things that we don't like whether we like it or not. I am angry and disappointed in him too, but this is normal. We have done things in our teenage years that we aren't proud of." Delanie says while puffing up her pillows to her comfort.

"You don't think I know that? I have done many things in my younger years that I wish I could take back and all I am doing is giving Arden discipline. I didn't have a father to scold me when I was wrong or whip my ass when I needed it. If I did, maybe I wouldn't have fucked up so much. He will thank me later for being so hard on him." Seth replies as he flicks through the channels on TV.

"I see why you are doing it, but I honestly feel like you can lighten up on him a little bit." She rolls her eyes to the side.

"Lighten up? He deserved to have his ass beat. He was high Delanie. I'm not letting my fourteen year old son smoke weed while he is under my roof."

"You know what, I'm not going to do this right now. We will talk about this tomorrow. Good night." Delanie reaches over and turns out the lamp beside her and turns over to go to sleep.

Seth rolls his eyes and heaves a ragged breath and does the same. There are times where he wonders why he even married her. Twenty years of marriage and all they do is argue. Their sex life is nonexistent and Seth can't even remember the last time they were intimate and actually enjoyed it. He was miserable and so was she, but they were staying together for the kids sake.

When they first met at Ted's diner, they were so in love and enjoyed each other's company and barely argued about anything. Now, they cannot stand to be near each other. Their marriage is hanging on by a thread. At any time, it can fall and they won't be able to piece it back together.

Some things aren't meant to be repaired, they are meant to stay broken.


Lucas and Marcus walk up the stairs to Arden's porch and knock on the door hoping he'd answer it. They haven't talked to him or have seen him in three days. It was odd, because he is usually outside on his skateboard or on his game system. They noticed that ever since the night of the cemetery, he hasn't been himself.

"He's been acting off lately." Lucas says with his hands in the pockets of his shorts.

"Yeah, I know. I think it might be something to do with that brave grave game. Ever since then, he has been weird." Marcus replies.

The door opens with Delanie standing in front of them with her hair pulled up in a towel.

"Hi Mrs. Thompson, is Arden around?" Lucas asks with a slight smile.

"Hey, yeah he is upstairs in his room. He's not feeling well, but I feel like he could use some company so come on in boys." She says, inviting them in regardless of what Seth says.

They make their way up to Arden's room and open the door finding him sitting on his bed staring at the wall.

"Hey man, you... okay?" Marcus asks with his brows in a furrow.

Arden didn't respond. He continues to stare at the blank walls in front of him with no expression on his face.

"Arden." Lucas says slowly approaching him. He reaches for his shoulder and Arden turns around quickly before he made contact. He jumps back, startled by his actions.

"You okay bro? We were just stopping by to check on you. You haven't answered our calls or texts ever since... that night." Marcus says sitting down in Arden's chair that sat in front of his desk.

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