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Its been weeks since I've seen Shuhua I'm really worried about her And so have this Minnie girl she brought with her last time and for all I know they just met Soyeon probably told her about Minnie "Soojin you have a spot on your pants near your area down there" Irene said with wide eyes "SHIT" I yelled "here take this" Shuhua said handing me some clean nice pants "thanks" I said changing in front of her she gasped and closed her eyes "hey we're girls right" I said giggling she turns around And I see dark red on her cheeks "OH MY GOD ARE YOU SICK" I said taking her temperature "I'm fine unnie" she said sitting on the couch I clearly know that she was blushing but I'm afraid that seulgi might fire her because she hasn't showed up for weeks "Aigoo child where have you been" seulgi said hugging her "Um I've been sick lately" shuhua said nervously biting her lip I could tell she was lying Just by looking at her face" Sheesh you should've texted me and told me we were so worried" she said kissing her cheek and that triggered me I deeply sighed and walked towards them "hey shuhua lets get ready the photo shoot is in 4 minutes" I said smirking at Seulgis flustered face "You're definitely planning something that I'm not very fond of" Irene whispered in my ear "you should be Shuhua is mine all mine" I said smiling widely "I'll be back guys I have to get dressed" Shuhua said walking towards the dressing room "time to mark what's mine" I said walking to the dressing room I go inside and wait for shuhua she comes out of the stall and walk past me I guess she didn't notice me so I clear my throat loudly and she turned around and smiled "need anything unnie" she said "you" I said pinning her to the wall "U-Unnie why are you doing this" she said running out of the room


I ran out of the dressing room and outside why would she do that "Hey aren't you supposed to be at the photo shoot" Minnie said looking at me worriedly "Yes but it uh got um canceled because of uh building problems" I said sweating "are you sure is everything okay this might sound crazy But I'm worried about you Shuhua" she said grabbing my hand and runs to Soyeon unnies house "W-what the why her house she wont understand she'll just say stay away from-" I said realizing what I just said well too much info I know that for sure and idk why in thinking about Yuqis Dick but I am and i ain't gonna be a bitch about how I feel no that's not how yeh shuhua works but I'm just gonna tell her that the photo shoot didn't go so well its okay to tell just a little white lie I mean it wouldn't hurt we go inside and we fo to soyeons room its closed as always I knock on the door no answer what the hell I knock again and she answers she doesn't look so good "Come on in" she said we enter the room and see Yuqi on her phone massaging her temples "oh hi guys" she said putting her phone down


They walk inside and sit on the bed shuhua sighed and told us her story "so I ran out because well I didn't go so well" she said nervously smiling "oh well hopefully next time it will work out" soyeon said patting her back 'Bullshit' I mumbled she is lying L.Y.I.N.G I call that straight up bullshit right there I mean there is something more than "it didn't go so well" Soojin probably did something and she was quite uncomfortable I could tell

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