Quarante trois

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The door opened

And here he stood

Jungkook himself

My blood was boiling
And i was ready to beat this piece
Of shit

« Hello dear »
Jungkook looked at me and winked

« you all can come in »
He sounds horribly suspicious
I can feel whats happening
At the end i have a weapon
With me which will protect me
..i hope so

We all went inside and it looked
Like a normal sized apartment
No smell of blood
No deadly weapons
Nothing suspicious

This man is hiding them some
Where in here and im sure theres
More doors and places to this
Small ass apartment

We all went inside and jungkook
Locked the door
He took the keys
And hid them in his pockets

« Now lets continue »

« You all have 15 minutes to run and find
Ur friends, if u do , i will let u all go, but
If u dont , u will see consequences «
Jungkook said and looked at us

Until he looked at me

« Everything starts now , im
Just gonna stay here and wait »
He said

We all looked at each other
Is this some kind of fucking

We all nodded and started walking around
The house

Namjoon came up to me and said
« Are u sure u want to stay alone? »
He said

« Yeah i guess so we should all
Be by ourselves if we want to find
Them quickly »

He nodded and went the other way

Behind a door which was located next
To the kitchen door

Stairs were found

I was kind of worried
Is this really the way

I gathered up the courage and went up
The stairs hoping il find something

Every step made a horrible and
Loud squeaky sound

I finally arrived at the top and
Found a bedroom

A pretty large bedroom

Nothing seems suspicious
I told myself

10 minutes left
No signal

« Fuck »

I quickly looked around and chose to look under
The bed

I found a knife
A gun and a hammer

I chose to text the
Others about it
And maybe they can take
Them and use it

I cannot text them if jungkook
Hacked our phones apparently

But i cannot put all these weapons
In my pocket its not large enough
I can take the knife and the gun
But i already have a pocket knife

Well having 2 wont hurt
Since i cant even fit the hammer alone

I took these 2 and looked around again

I lifted the pillow and saw pictures of

« How weird is he »

There was so many pictures it made
Me super uncomfortable

I opened his drawer and
Saw nothing but pens and our
School books

I turned around and saw the

6 minutes left..
No signal

I proceeded to open
The closet and found
A bunch of clothes and shoes
It was a really large closet tho
It Seems normal but this guy
Is obviously hiding
Something behind it

I pushed the clothes out
Of my way and entered the closet

I saw a small handle

I got excited

« Yes this is my chance »
I whispered to myself

The door had a lock
« Ugh fuck »
I told myself

I remember the hammer that
Was hidden so i quickly went back to the
Bed and took it

I was in front of the door again
And smashed the lock with the hammer
It was pretty hard to break it
But i managed to do it

I opened the door and was met
With a dark room

I was gonna step inside until
I heard a voice behind me

« Time is »
« over »

Then everything went black

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