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Killer Frost: So which Earth are we going to and uh, how do you plan to get there?

Savitar: Earth 24, and how we get there is not important!

Killer Frost: Ok, but why that earth specifically?

Savitar: Suppressing a sigh I begin to explain, because this earth's version of myself is like me except for one thing...

Killer Frost: Which is? I say starting to get impatient.

Savitar: Unlike us, this version of me failed to stop the man in yellow and in turn he killed everyone he ever loved! Everyone accept Cisco.

Killer Frost: And that matters why?

Savitar: Don't you see? This means that there will be no one there to oppose us and then my ascension can truly begin!

Killer Frost: Well then, what are we waiting for?

As soon as the words left her mouth Savitar begins to run around in circles repeatedly until breach opens up.

Savitar: After you my queen, I said as I watched and made sure she entered the breach safely.

Later at Earth 24

Killer Frost: This is earth 24? Pretty boring, I say as I stretch my arms and begin to yawn.

Savitar: It won't be, once we conquer it and every other Earth after it!

Killer Frost: Someone has dreams, I say smirking at him.

Savitar: A god is nothing if not ambitious, I say smirking behind my mask before picking her up bridal style and carrying her to this Earth's version of Star Labs.

Later at Star Labs

Killer Frost: This would be a good place for a lair, too bad it's all shot to shit.

Savitar: Don't forget my queen... this is but one of our many conquests, many are still to come.

Killer Frost: So where do you suggest we look, my king?

Savitar: Before I killed the man in yellow, he confessed to me that he was not the same one from my Earth... but in fact from Earth one. He told me that he had heard about me from my Earth's version of the man in yellow before killing him and taking his place, so he headed to Star Labs and opened up a secret room there called the Time Vault and he was using it to monitor my progress.

Killer Frost: Jesus that sounds complicated!

Savitar: Oh believe me it was, but... at least it gave us a place to look.

Killer Frost: Well what are you waiting for? Move it!

As much as I hate taking orders I obliged and super sped us over to the Time Vault and began to pry the door off using my enhanced strength from my suit, as I began to enter I saw myself just sitting there up against the wall with my head in my knees. I stood there for several seconds feeling unnerved at the sight, that was until I heard him speak.

Emo Barry: What do you want Thawne? You already took everything from me! What more could you want? I say trying to keep my voice from not breaking.

Savitar: Only one thing, are you prepared to give it to me? Hearing my voice must've gotten his attention because he finally looked up from the position he was in, only he didn't look at me but at Caitlin.

Emo Barry: Caitlin, is that you? I say trying not to cry at the sight of seeing my once dead friend here in front of me.

Killer Frost: Oh boy... look sweetie I know you miss me and all but I'm not the one you should be talking to. I say motioning over to Savitar.

Emo Barry: Who the hell are you? And what do you want?! He says with new found determination in his voice.

Savitar: Simple really, I am Savitar the god of speed! And it's not what I want it's who.

Emo Barry: Well you've come to the wrong place buddy, Thawne killed everyone I loved! There's no one left. He said once again with sadness in his voice.

Killer Frost: Wrong again Flash! I say forming an icicle in my hand before walking up to him and stabbing him in the leg.

Emo Barry: Arghhh! What do you want from me?!

Savitar: Cisco Ramon.

Emo Barry: C-Cisco's dead. I say trying my best to lie.

Savitar walks over to him grabbing him by the shirt and slams him into the wall before releasing one of his arm blades and stabbing him in the shoulder.

Savitar: Lie to me again and I'll do more then injure your shoulder!

Instead of replying Barry just laughs.

Killer Frost: What's so funny? She said looking at him half curious and half annoyed.

Emo Barry: W-Whatever your trying to do it won't work. He says still laughing at them.

Savitar: And why is that?

Emo Barry: Because... Cisco lost both of his hands a year before Thawne arrived, that's why he didn't kill him, he figured he suffered enough.

Savitar having had enough let out a furious rage filled scream before ending his counterparts life leaving Caitlin completely terrified at what she just witnessed and he must have noticed it because he turned to look at her.

Savitar: No one is going to get in the way of my ascension! You don't have a problem with that do you?

Caitlin was shocked by the venom in his voice but knew better than to disagree.

Killer Frost: No my king.

Savitar: Good. Now come on, he said his tone softening. There's places to be and Earth's to conquer!

Caitlin was glad to see that the hostility in his voice was gone and he returned to his humorous ways.

As you wish my king, but if I may be so bold as to ask... where are we going now?

Savitar: Earth One, there's another Flash that needs killing!

Killer Frost: I thought we were only there to get Cisco?

Savitar: When did you become so soft? You call yourself Killer Frost, but you haven't actually killed anyone yet! He says the hostility in his voice returning.

Killer Frost: Don't Ever call me soft! I say as I walk over to the towering metal figure standing in front of me.

Savitar: Or what? I say as I exit my suit. You'll kill me? I say walking over to her.

Killer Frost: Don't think I won't! I say as I form an ice spike in my hand and prepare to stab him.

Savitar: What are you waiting for? Do it! I say as I pull the ice spike close to my chest daring her to do it and for a moment I can tell she's considering it after I feel something cut my shirt open. 

Killer Frost: Still think I'm soft?

Savitar: I think that you my darling... are the best queen a king could have. I say as he pull her for a kiss before breaking away to get back in my suit so I can continue my conquest.

Sorry for the long wait guys I've been having writers block for the longest time and only now just figured out how I wanted this part of the story to go, anyways I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next part.

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