Bad terms

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     *skips 2 end of the day*

Well the skool bell finally rung nd im so happy toget out of this hell whole of a skool. I guess me nd mii gurls goin do sumthng to nght.

Me:aye yall hoe yall wanna cum chilli or sum shit I got sum Mary Jane if yll wanna smoke sumthing
Zara: hell yeah yhu knw I wanna smoke sumthng I tring 2 get faded axz fck mii niggah I'm dwn
Jay:yeah I'll cume chilli for a bit but I cant stay long I got sum business
Zara:bitch yhu knw yhu aint got no business to do so shut that shit up hoe
Jay: bitch shut up ain't nobody ask for yhur 2 cents
Me: yall to hoes a mess idk wat im do wth yall but anyways lets go

Oh nd I aint tell yall bout Zara yet but tht is mii bitch she mii ride or die, mii gutta bitch, mii mutherfckin homie we been bestii since we were still in diapers but any way she mii dwn chick she do anythng for a niggah I ah quick min.

Soon as we get into mii driveway I hear mii mama complaining all the way out fuckin side bout her huse always lookin a mess .

Mom: Kay why the df mii huse ain't clean yhu knw mii man goin 2 be here soon nd yll he dnt like mii fuckin huse dirty.
Me: mom I jst clean yhu betta make nick do tht shit cuse I ain't.
Mom: yhu always got 2 say sumthing smart nd wonder yy im always on you nd yhur brother yll always wanna say sumthng bck
Me: man wateve im goin 2 mii fuckin room
Mom: betta watch who df yhu talkin 2 lil gurl before I beat the shit out yhu
*mumble ;man fck yhu *

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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