Chap. 12

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We stopped crying and decided to talk. I sigh and ask her a serious question, "Where did you go."
She stopped walking in shock. 'Who told you the story?, I got a bit scared cause she looked so serious. Her eyes were glowing purple, glaring at me. "T-This lady who-o I me-t when I  escaped..." Everything turned black around me, flowers disappearing. She saw I got scared so she made everything back to normal. 'Tell me what she said, sis.' My head went up and down slowly as I was in fear.

"She told me you were an assassin, that you never had any friends. One day you decided to take me by force causing our mother to worry so much and almost making her have a heart attack. She also said you were a huge criminal and that the police was after you. The police caught you but you had a knife and stabbed them to death, but I found my way back to my mother using my senses. Why did you take me? Just to kill me?". 

Now the air felt... Weird. I saw the air becoming gray and cloudy and my body falling down to the floor. My vision was hazy. My body was experiencing pain and I heard my sister laughing. A loud thud was heard. That's all I heard before I passed out. 'Let's take her back, she looks really hurt.

ᎠᎬᎷᎾN - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now