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fiona benny

"look tiffany," i sigh into the phone, "i'll be fine. you don't have to worry!"

"this is ethan we're talking about fifi. he has made everything but fine within these past two months!" tiffany scolded into the phone.

"i know tif but work has been everything but fine as well. i just need these peaceful two weeks away from home."

"look fiona, i have to go and get back on set. i'll call you later tonight, okay?"

"okay, talk to you later," i mumble before ending the call.

my head is spinning at the thought of seeing ethan for the first time since i bawled my eyes on his doorstep. we've conversed on the phone for the past week discussing our trip to the bahamas.

a series of knocks come from my door. hesitantly, i grab my luggage along with my backpack before opening it to reveal ethan grant dolan. his hazel eyes meet mine and my knees feel weak.

"hey fiona," he greeted with a weak smile.

"hey ethan," i replied returning the gesture.

"so, ready to go?"

"yeah, i just need to lock up real quick," my voice trembling with anxiety. at this moment it felt right and appropriate to say i should've sold my ticket to him. hell, i would've given it to him free of charge to avoid the awkward tension.

"cool. i already called the uber. two minutes," he mumbles.

my hands gripped onto the carry-on luggage, dragging it outside of the door. making our way to the front of my apartment complex wasn't as bad considering the fact that he was compelled to his device. hopefully, that'll keep him distracted for the next half an hour in the car.

a white subaru appears from around the corner and i gently tap ethan's shoulder to let him know the car has arrived.

the man makes his way out of the car to help us load his luggage into the vehicle. his blonde locks and blue eyes glimmer in the sunlight. an attractive human being.

"hey, i'm lucas. do you guys need anything before we take off? any song requests?" he bubbles. i look at ethan as he shakes his head, eyes still glued to his phone.

"w-we're fine, thank you though," i give him a clothed mouth smile as he focuses his gaze to the road.

the car ride is silent with a comforting amount of music playing in the background.

"long beach harbor, huh? a cruise perhaps?" lucas wiggles his eyebrows looking into the rear view mirror.

a slight giggle escapes my mouth at his ebullient persona. i nod my head before softly replying, "the bahamas."

"wow, exotic. first time?" a smile remains on his charming face.

"mhmm," i hum. lucas and i continue to converse. normally, i tend to stay inside my comfort zone but lucas seemed too fun to not cross the line just an inch.

ethan's head perked up from the corner of my eye, but i didn't take notice to it too much until i saw him cross his arms. i discreetly glanced at his figure and he seemed bothered.

"looks like we've made it. do you guys need help with your b-"

"i think we'll be fine, thank you very much for your concern," ethan rudely interrupted. he then exits the car followed by a slamming door.

"i-i'm so sorry about him, he's not a uh afternoon person. thank you lucas for the ride, it's 5 stars from me!" i apologized and laughed before leaving the car as well.

by the time i exit both bags are next to ethan and he seems ready to board. his face was tightened as his jaw clenched.

"look ethan, i don't want to fight with you. but don't you think that was a little uncalled for?" i empathize on 'a little' for obvious reasons. why would he be rude to such a sweet guy?

"no, what i think is a little uncalled for is flirting with another dude right in front of me," he raised his voice agitated.

"wha- ethan- i- what?" my words scrambled like a pile of eggs, "how?"

"shall i remind you? 'liam you're so funny,'" he mocked.

"first of all, his name is lucas. second of all, i wasn't flirting with him. i was simply speaking to an uber driver, y'know the person taking us here? anyways, why should it matter ethan," i scoff, "you left me, what difference does it make."

"yeah i left you, but that doesn't mean i enjoy listening to two people flirting for half an hour," he complains.

"i'm not going to do this with you ethan. if we keep arguing, these next two weeks are going to be worse than hell," i finish before walking towards the boat.

i try to speed walk, dragging my luggage behind me. but i can only go so far with my short legs before ethan's tall frame catches up.

"okay look fio- oh my god will you slow down? jesus christ, you and i both know you're going to be out of breath in a matter of seconds," ethan continues to complain. one more excessive comment and i will have to chuck him off the harbor.

"why ethan? so you can keep doing this? keep nagging me? for stuff you can't control? for doing my own thing? you've made it more than clear that you don't want me in your life anymore. you don't care for me anymore ethan," i burst with a dry laugh. every once in a while, when someone pushes me a little too far, i burst. i burst like a camera after your best friend has taken your phone.

"i never, not once said i didn't care for you, fiona. i might've said i don't care for you the way i used to, but i never stopped," he starts raising his voice once again.

"okay fine. so you didn't say you don't care for me anymore, but you did say this; 'you're nothing but a chapter in my life i can't change, and that sucks.'"

his eyes soften and his fist unwind. unfortunately, i'm not there to see the rest of him fall apart considering the fact that i'm already leaving the scene. he doesn't have the right to look into my glossy pupils.

"fiona i'm sor-"

my entire body whips around to meet his gaze. oh, how i used to long for the feeling of love from this one being. how i do long for it. but he's made his choice clear, and i must keep that in mind.

"cut the bullshit ethan, you're just sorry because this shows how rotten you've truly become," and with that, i turn on my heal to board the ship.

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