'The Something's Darkness, a collection of Poetry'
You read the ancient looking cover in the gentle candlelight, eyebrows raising in a mix of amusement and perplexity at the intricately painted title.
Thunder stormed outside, and apparently the power in the entire town has been out for days now. Or at least, that's what the locals said.
The book itself was a muddy red, and gave the impression it was once hand written in. As if the situation wasn't weird enough, now there was a spooky poetry book in your nightstand.
"Huh, well, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised," You crawl into the cozy, if not a little dusty, bed. The springs creak at your weight, and you flip open the first page.
There's something watching you, and the ringing in your ears hasn't ceased since you introduced yourself to the faceless receptionist behind the desk.
This Little Town
Truyện NgắnYou are driving in the pouring rain, fog obscuring your vision as you strain to see. This town wasn't on the map, but you're tired and ready to sleep. Pull out the poetry book from the hotel's nightstand, and pretend the locals in this place have fa...