In a world where witches are deemed wicked and evil, a hidden witch is trying to hide her secret for as long as she can...
Mara is a young woman singing in the streets to keep herself alive. All she wants is to sing all day and dance all night. One day, she meets a young man and becomes entranced by his beauty. She concocts a potion to ensure that the prince will remain enchanted by her voice forever. Mara finds things going weary when she can no longer even speak, let alone sing. She journeys to the nearest sea witch to reverse the effects. However, everything comes with a price.
Please don't redistribute or copy this story in any way without permission. This is an original fictional book written by me. Any story with similar people, places, or plots whether real or fiction is completely coincidental.
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Fantasy*Currently Rewriting* In a world where the art of magic is deemed wicked and evil, a hidden witch is trying to hide her secret for as long as she can... Mara is a young woman singing in the streets to keep herself alive. All she wants is to sing al...