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Garrett’s Pov

Say something by Justin Timberlake played as the students began the stretches. I watched as someone showed Levi what to do. She got it down pretty well. I was glad that I didn't need to help her out. I quickly re-read the information sheet about her. She's been dancing hip hop for ten years and has just recently been using ballet to make herself more popular in this community.

I placed her papers down and walked around fixing everyone's little mistakes. Like Judy's foot wasn't in the right direction to get the most out of the straddle stretch. I used my own foot to fix it while I explained that when her foot was more flexed she stretch the muscle more. I glance at Levi to see that she was having a little trouble going all the way down with the right split. That would be the trouble leg that I would have her push.

After a few hours of the class, I let them out. I gathered my things and looked to make sure everyone had left, Levi stood at the door wearing the same thing from this morning. She was still an inch shorter than me.

“ I wanted to apologize for how rude I was this morning and this afternoon”. She looked down embarrassed by her outburst.

I smirked and turned away, “ It's all good. I actually forgot about this morning.” I thought about how the guys had said they were considering a duet. “Have you had any time to think about that duet?”

She looked up with excitement, “Yes! I want to do it, it's just that Kevin, my manager, wants to do more kpop. I want to gain a little more experience too. It would be the first time that I do a duet!” Her face dropped, “Sorry that sounded a little desperate, I'm actually finishing up this last single for an album then I was going to see if I would be able to do the duet.” She smiled up at me.

“Yeah, the guys were talking about it after practice. They think it might be a good thing,”. I leaned against my door frame so I was kinda close to her. “ I hope that we get to, it'll up the ratings for both groups I think.”

“ Yeah, that's definitely a plus.” I thought for a moment. “Perhaps you could come to dinner tonight and meet the guys?”

Her eyebrows went up, “I'll have to ask Kevin and see, but I'd love to.” She pulled out her phone. “What's your number?”

I quickly gave it then got her’s. “Text me if you can?” we continued our small talk until someone came in,

“Levi what's taking so long you have to go back to the studio!”

“Yes, mom, Garrett this is Kevin, Kevin this is Garrett.”

Kevin look annoyed to see me. “Hey, we were just talking about maybe going to dinner so she could meet the rest of the band?”

Kevin looked me over, “I'm not sure, I'll have to look at the schedule and let you know Mr. Johnson.” He turned his attention to Levi, “ Let's go and get this done.”

She frowned at her manager, “I guess that's my cue to leave then, sorry, I'll let you know about that dinner. At six right?”.

I nodded my head and watched as she turned to leave hearing the beginning of her repriming Kevin. “That was a bit rude K, I'm trying to get this duet, be a bit  nicer please.” They walked out before I could hear the rest of it. I turned back to my office to gather my stuff and head home to relax.


Of course, I don't get to relax. The boys were already here. They know where my key is hidden so they feel inclined to come whenever. I need to move that key soon. “Get your shoes off my bed, Jason!” I pushed them off while I throwing my stuff on it.

“Ow. Why are you so rough, huh?” Jason turned to cuddle with James his boyfriend, and my roommate. “Oh hush, you know how he Is.”James kissed his forehead and whispered something, that made Jason blush, in his ear.

Eli was laying in James bed playing on his phone. “You know, I'm glad you come when you did, cause they were plotting to mess with your stuff.”

“Shut up Eli, You're gonna make Garrett hate me more then he already does!”

“James, he doesn't hate you, baby, you just irk him is all.”

“Yeah, but when he does pranks they hurt like hell ok. Mentally and physically!” James pouted

“Yeah right your just a pussy!” Eli snickered. The boys continue to bicker back and forth on who the bigger pussy was. I looked down at my phone when it went off.

“Alright as much as I love you guys, will you please get the hell out so I can get ready for this dinner,” Levi just texted me she could come, “cause I got Levi to come and you all need to get ready too.”

“Wait, Levi King, the Kpop star?” James screamed. “You know she was in a couple of movies with her hip-hop right? She's like the greatest!”

“Yeah that one, I guess?” I didn't know that she was that popular. I just knew about the Kpop. “ Did she really star in movies?”

“Yeah, she played in “Little Dancer” and a few others too.” James cleared his face, “Alright, we need to go and get ready Jason, let's go, I'm going to have my hero notice me!”

“Geez James, I think I'm a little hurt you don't dress to impress me!”

James laughed as they walked out, “that's cause I already did, baby.”

“They're adorable.” Eli sat up, “Like couple goals, I wish me and Veronica were like that.”

I chuckled “Are you saying you're not, cause you make me wanna puke even more than them.”

“As if, I'll see you there I'm a go check on that wifey and get ready.”


“Yeah, I'm about to propose, keep up boi!

“Alright sorry, sometimes I forget you're 28.”

He chuckled, “I'll see you there!”

“Okay, I'll see you then.”

I shut the door behind them as they all left. I looked down at my watch, four o'clock I shoot Levi a quick text telling her I’d be there by 5:30 to pick her up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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