Chapter 2

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I had dialled the wrong number.

The voice was unmistakable. I wasn’t a huge fan, but I’d watched enough 1D interviews on YouTube –because of Chelsea— to know that this really was him. I hadn’t just accidentally dialled anyone’s number.

I had dialled Harry flacking Styles’ number.

I was lost for words.

“Oh, hello Harry,” I tried my best to sound casual and relaxed, even though my heart was beating quickly against my chest. “I accidentally dialled the wrong number; I was trying to call my best-friend.”

I decided that the truth was the best option in this situation.

He didn’t respond for a few seconds, until finally letting out a heavy sigh.

 “Great. I once again have to change my number,” He snapped.

“What do you mean?” I asked slightly confused.

“It will be spread around twitter, in what, a matter of minutes?”

 “Oh,” I finally caught on. He thought I was going to spread his number to the world. “Why would I tell anybody your number?”

“Why wouldn’t you? Why aren’t you screaming?” He replied sharply.

“Geese, I respect people’s privacy. And you’re just another regular guy that I might go to school with. I’m not going to intrude on your life like some obsessive fangirl.”

It seemed like I could almost hear some guilt in his voice when he replied quite apologetically.

“Oh, ah, thanks…  I mean, thank you so much. You’d be surprised at how many crazy fans somehow trace my number!” He nervously chuckled on the other end.

“Well, yeah, there are some pretty, err, dedicated fans?” I could almost hear his smile through the phone. But, he had a point, a lot of ‘Directioners’ would have spread the word within seconds that they got the opportunity to talk to the ‘one and only’ Harry Styles… but I wouldn’t do that. I knew how annoying that would be if I was in his position.

“Yeah,” was all he responded with. He still sounded pretty tired. “Anyway, is there any way that I could, umm… thank you? Like do you have a twitter or something?”

I thought about it for a few moments, until finally telling him my account. I finished the conversation abruptly as I realised I was already about 20 minutes late for school.

“I should let you get back to sleep, and, I won’t tell anyone.” Was all I said until swiping my finger across the screen, ending my one on one conversation with Harry.

I stood there for about another 5 minutes, simply taking in what just happened. Something popped into my mind. Chelsea was probably the BIGGEST One Direction fan I’d ever seen, which only meant one thing.

I couldn’t tell her about this.

Any of this.

If she found out later she’d probably kill me because I hadn’t told her, but if I told her now, she’d probably torture me until I gave her the number. She wasn’t very good with secrets, and I had to keep my word with Harry. For some strange reason, I didn’t want to, well, have him disappointed in me. Again, I’d hate to be in his position. I felt a light vibration in my back pocket, pulling out my iPhone as I quickly opened my new twitter interaction.

Harry_Styles followed you

I refreshed my page and saw that I had 36 new followers already. I blinked my eyes quickly, completely sure that I was dreaming. A smile spread across my face.

I could tell that today was going to be a good day.


When I rocked up to school and had made my way past the front gate, Chelsea was already bombarding me with questions.

“Number one. Why are you SO late?!” she blurted. “I was waiting out the front for what, like 20 minutes? Oh, and, did you forget to call and tell me that HARRY FLACKING STYLES FOLLOWED YOU?!”

How did she already know?

“Umm, err…” I quickly tried to think up a believable reason. I quickly skipped the ‘I was just chatting to Harry Styles on the phone’ option and decided to tell her I slept through my alarm and that I ‘forgot’ to call her.

“But, how did you get him to follow you? You know I’ve been trying, for what, nearly 2 years for him to follow me? And you aren’t even a big fan!”

Okay. Maybe today wasn’t going to be too great.

“Well, I guess, he, umm… likes what I tweet?” I mumbled out.

“Phhttt. Yeah right,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Well, I guess it’s still pretty cool I can say that my best-friend is followed by the sexiest beast alive,” she said winking and elbowing me in the side. I laughed, and was happy to see that she’d nearly gotten over the whole situation. I pulled out my phone again, deciding to thank Harry for the follow before class. I guess it was the least I could do… apart from keeping his number a secret from millions of other girls around the world.

I pulled up a new tweet, already knowing that he wouldn’t tweet me back.

@Harry_Styles thanks for the follow :)

Short and sweet.

Just as I was about to turn off my phone, I quickly saw that I had a new interaction.

@Harry_Styles no probs babe ;)

My heart just about beat right out of my chest again. Chelsea obviously saw the expression on my face, as she snatched the phone out of my hands and just about choked as well. I could hear all the vibrations going off, notifying me of the constant flow of new followers I was getting and, most likely, tons of hate. My eyes slowly shifted to meet Chelsea’s.

She wasn’t looking at me; her eyes were glued to my phone. I watched as her mouth dropped open with a pop as realisation hit her.  

Her head turned to look at me steadily.

A grin was suddenly plastered on her face.


As I collapsed onto my plush, comfy bed, I thought back on the day. It had basically been full of Chelsea screaming at the fact that Harry Styles called me ‘babe’, her jealousy towards me, how I was the luckiest girl in the world, how she was the luckiest girl in the world because Harry Styles tweeted AND followed her best-friend, and so on. At some points I would burst out laughing because of her constant flow of words, but this definitely confirmed my decision to not tell her.

Can you imagine what she’d do if I told her I was on the phone to Harry AND I hadn’t told her abou- I was cut out of my thoughts by my loud Cher Lloyd ringtone. It was probably Chelsea. I hastily picked it up with my delicate fingers to get my third wave of shock in the day.

Swagger Jagger kept playing as I re-read over and over the contact that I had an incoming call from.




Hey guys! Thanks so much for the reads :) Hope you're enjoying it so far, I am! OMG! I nearly died when I saw the GIF on the side on twitter... how is Harry THAT sexy?! Anyway, I will try to update EVERY day, but if I get a special request, I'll upload my next chapter within the hour or so :) Vote and comment! Love you all x

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