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Disclaimer, this story MAY (I just started and I have no real set storyline yet so it may not contain all of these) swearing, drug abuse, sexual content and talk of self-harm. So if you are not comfortable with these subjects please don't start reading. (I will warn you if there is sexual content or self-harm). Read at your own risk. Thank you. Please enjoy and give feedback. Thanks :)

AN: hey so this first chapter is going to be from 3rd person but don't worry, every other chapter will be from carson's view and I may do a couple from harry's idk yet!

ALSO!!! The cover currently adorns Leighton Meester, so you may imagine whomever you wish but in my opinion leighton fits the character perfectly!! *i made this cover and its shit so if you want to make me a better cover with leighton and Harry that would be grrrrreat! ;)*

Harry hated the rain. It reminded him of home. Harry hated being reminded of home. Harry liked blacking out from drinking too much. He liked fucking girls till they forgot their own name. He liked his coffee black and rum straight. He liked getting caught up in his work and making more money then he knew what to do with. He liked being alone, because the only thing worse than being alone was spending time with people who reminded you why you loved being alone in the first place.

Harry liked people though. Don't assume he didn't. No, Harry liked the idea of people. He loved watching them sprinting to catch the 3:15 train. He loved guessing how they drank their coffee, or if they even drank coffee. Maybe they were tea people. He loved trying to figure out what the proper businessman with the flecks of silver sailing through his wavy hair was barking into his blackberry. Harry loved watching. Harry loved watching, observing, almost more than anything.


Harry had a passion for writing. He loved letting his thoughts caress the page with a gentle stroke of the wrist. He loved writing more than the two lovers walking hand in hand loved giggling. Harry loved writing more than frail Mrs. Willis across the hall loved her cat, Oscar. Harry even loved writing more than the proper businessman on the blackberry loved bossing people around and letting them know that he was in charge. Harry didn't love much in life. But what he did love, he loved with tender passion and adoration.

Carson loved the rain. What a peculiar notion. That something so fragile and simple could wipe everything away just like that. Carson despised carrying umbrellas. "If humans were suppose to be dry, god wouldn't have made us 85% water." That's what Carson said.

Carson thought she was happy. Not overbearingly so. But she thought she was fortunate and that's what mattered.

Carson didn't realize it, because she couldn't tell the difference. But she wasn't all that happy, despite what her mother always told her, that happiness is being healthy and having family caring for you. And so that's what Carson believed, she believed she was happy. But Carson was really just okay. Carson lived an average life with an average family. She went to an average university and took average courses, eating average food and hanging out with average people.

Ah, but ever so often, Carson thought of living a life less ordinary. She contemplated the thought of adventure until she craved it. She knew she was smart and funny and sassy and she knew of all the possibilities life had to offer.

She craved it to the point where adventure started humming through her veins. She reminded herself of what her mother told her. That being naïve and irrational was not going to get her a nice husband. The kind that would read the newspaper at the breakfast table each morning while he ate his eggs and sausage that Carson would prepare. The kind that pecked her cheek when he arrived home at seven each night before he went to turn the baseball game on and hug the kids. The nice husband Carson needed would never fight with her, maybe small squabbles, but they had food on the table and a roof over their head and that would be enough for them. Carson would get into their cold bed at night and think "That was fine."

And that's what her life would be. A long line of fine.

And for a long time that's what two strangers lives were like. They were living, but not really. They were both somewhat happy. At least as happy as sad people can be.

But things change.

Things most definitely always change.

AN: Hey so many of these... ahah. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I really got into this and I love this story idea (Claps for me) and I plan to update fairly regularly. Im not in school right now because where I live the teachers are on strike :( but I have a job and am applying to get another one so I will be a busy body but ill try and find time to fit this fanfic in! I really hoped you enjoyed this first chapter pretty please vote and comment and tell me how I did! if you want me to vote of comment on your story I for sure will, just ask :D

(The rest of the authors notes wont be this long, i swear)

(ALSO!!! I plan to make the chapters longer than this one it was just an introduction!!!!!)

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