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I looked up just a milli-second before I felt the steaming hot liquid slosh down my body. But it was too late.

Damn New York and damn this overpriced coffee. While we're at it, damn this bloody cafe. Who the hell puts the lids across the damn entire shop. Damn shit damn.

Way to fucking go Carson, your very first day at work and you're going to be showing up late looking like a complete shit show with a damn americano spilled all over your nice newly purchased white blouse.

No. I shook my head out of my little carsonland I was in. No. This is not even my fault and there is no way I'm going to let a stupid ignorant twat ruin my morning. He already ruined my brand new blouse and I was not going to let him get away with this.

"Excuse you" I spat as I turned around to face the blouse/ life ruiner. Getting pushed around was something I was familiar with for a long time. But not anymore. New York Carson was going to be one tough boss ass bitch I had decided. I'm tired of being a shy 5 foot 3 girl who can get trampled on whenever it so pleases others.

I huffed out of my nose as my tall male attacker turned to face me.

Shit fuck. I cursed under my breath. I was suppose to give this guy a piece of mind, but it was kinda hard to speak when I couldn't even breathe. He was gorgeous. I mean I only had been in New York for a couple weeks but everybody I had seen so far was damn fine. But this guy was the Brad Pitt of New York men.

"What was that babe?" His voice washed out of his crimson lips in a silky accent. British I wondered?

"Don't you watch where you're going?" I asked roughly, (it was a miracle from The Lord himself that I actually spoke rather than leaving my mouth in a prominent O shape staring at his flawless features.)

"Ouch that's harsh" he paused, "what's your name?"

"What, um why" I squeaked. "I mean Carson"

"Ouch that's harsh Carson." His lips formed as he peered into my brown eyes, "and if you want to continue eye raping me you could at least take me to dinner first." He finished with a cheeky grin.

I glared at him horrified. Sure guys had poked fun at me before, expecially over the state of my extreme awkwardness, but this guy took it to a whole other level. "For fucks sake" I groaned, "are you always this much of an asshole or is it only on Tuesdays?"

New York Carson was going to be one sassy bitch and no condescending jerk, despite how gorgeous he was, was gonna change that.

The still unnamed stranger clicked his tongue at me then with a wink replied, "Carson, such foul language, you're going to have to be punished."

I was appalled by the nerve of him, I gave him the best glare I could muster before not so politely telling him to screw off. I spun on my heal before heading to the door and throwing the half empty cup I still had in my hand in the trash.

Now not only was I going to be late, smelly and wet bloused, I was now going to be with out my caffeine for the entire day which is a sure sign of disaster. And on top of that, I just met the cutest boy ever... As like in the entirety of my existence... And I'll never get to see him again. Just lil old Carson's luck.

"Wait" the curly haired boy (is he a boy idk... What constitutes a boy from a man anyways? Why isn't there a guide book concerning these very important issues??) The curly haired boy man anxiously spat the word out, but said no more afterword, possibly instantly regretting them in fear of another awkward encounter with yours truly.

"What" I exasperatedly spun around trying to show this boy-child-man-thing that I'm a strong independent wom...
"Oh shit" I gasped as I lost my balance in the complex process of turning around.

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