Part 34

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"Kurogiri, warp them away. It's like the two types I hate most showed up as a duo." Shigaraki started.

"A brat... and a guy with no manners."

"Huh?" The girl questioned.

"Come now... they've travelled all this way just to see you. You could at least humour them with a chat, Tomura Shigaraki. What's more... if they're being introduced by our influential broker friend here, we can be sure they're at least competent fighters." Kurogiri informed.

"Either way, I'll take my finder's fee now, Kurogiri." Replied the guy who brought the girl & young man.

"As for introductions... let's start with this high school girl. The media's kept her face and name under strict lockdown, but she's a person of interest in a string of deaths by bloodletting." He finished.

"I'm Toga! Himiko Toga." The girl started.

"Life is too hard! I wanna make a world that's easier to live in! I wanna be Mr. Stainy! I wanna kill Mr. Stainy! So let me join you, Tomura!" She cheered.

"I don't get it... are you some kind of freak?" Shigaraki questioned.

"You both have similar goals. I'm sure she'll be useful to you. Next, this young man has no outstanding criminal record to speak of but he's enamoured with the hero killers ideals." Spoke the man who brought them in. (Guys I know his name, I'm just not stating it for story purposes.)

"I'm not sure about this.." started the young man.

"Is this bunch really so dedicated to the cause? I mean, they're about to let this nut job join up." He stated.

"Hey, hey. At least freak girl here can state her own name. If you're a proper adult, how about you try doing that?" Shigaraki scoffed.

"I go by Dabi right now." He introduced.

"No good, your real name." Shigaraki ordered.

"You'll know it when you need to. Anyway...
The hero killers will... I plan to make it a reality." Dabi replied.

"No need to answer questions I didn't ask. Everyone nowadays is all "Stain this" and "Stain that"..." Shigaraki mumbled.

"Don't do it, Shigaraki..." Kurogiri warned.

"Bad, bad, bad... I'm in.. a bad mood cuz you guys are no good!" He complained before attempting to attack the two other villains. Luckily, Kurogiri warped their arms away from each other.

"Please calm yourself, Tomura Shigaraki. If we are to act upon your desires, expanding this organization is a necessity." Explained Kurogiri.

He snaked his way to Shigaraki's ear and started speaking.

"And oddly enough, this is our chance while we're in the spotlight. I advise acceptance, not rejection, Tomura Shigaraki."

"Acceptance of anything we can use of... whatever remains his will..." he whispered.

"Shut up." Shigaraki back talked.

"Where are you off to?" Asked the one unnamed man.

"I said shut up!" Tomura replied before storming off like a child.

"Pains me to say it, but our business partner there... he's too young. Immature." Spoke the man.

"I thought he was gonna kill us." Added Toga.

"That was weird..." said Dabi.

"We will have an answer for you within a day or two. Will that suffice? I expect even he knows what he must do... it's because he knows, In fact, that he left without a word. First All Might, then the hero killer... he's been humbled twice now." Kurogiri started to explain.

She's mine! - Izuku Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now