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Prologue - The Invitation

None of these characters belong to me btw, including the drawings

It was a brisk day on the quidditch field, with the Gryffindor team circling the stands, casually practicing for an upcoming match. A few students are scattered about the stands, either watching the students, socializing, or just escaping from the rest of the school. One of these students included you, wrapped in your house scarf and just drinking in your surroundings. You watched a group of Hufflepuffs share Bertie Botts together, giggling as one of them spits out what appeared to be a bad flavor. You laugh, wondering what flavor they got. You see several Ravenclaws cradling books, engrossed in their studies as always. You find almost no Slytherins, only a few sharing a judgemental people watching session. You relate to it, although your people watching was not nearly as filled with judging. You notice a ton of Gryffindors, including Hermione, watching the team and making plans for the game coming up.

You sigh pleasantly into your scarf, and you look up at the players. You see Fred and George, laughing and whispering to eachother and other players as they barely practice. You see them quickly scan the crowd, apparently searching for someone. They point to a few people, making a list presumably. You suddenly see them turn to you, and they both nod at eachother. You give an awkward smile, they wave to you and quickly resume whatever their planning. You chuckle at their excitement and continue your people watching.


After a half hour, you are watching the players leave the field. You stretch your limbs, about to take your leave.

"Hey Y/N! Wait up!" You hear two similar voices cry out. You glace up to see the Weasley twins fly towards you on their brooms. Your body stiffens slightly before they stop abruptly. You give a weak smile, trying to hide it. They don't seem to have notice your slight tension.

"We were wondering if you would go to a small gathering we're holding tonight! In the Room of Requirement," George said sweetly. Your body was filled with surprise, you're still aren't used to getting invited to things.

"Uh..sure! What time?" You stutter. 

"After dinner!" Fred chirps. He leans towards you, trying not to hit you with his broom. He places a hand on your shoulder, which immediately tenses. 

"Make sure you come alone, so no one sees you, don't want anyone to get us in trouble," He mutters teasingly. You've heard this voice before, countless times even, but the slight hint of Gryffindor charm makes your ears turn a shade of red. You quickly nod, covering your ears with your scarf. Fred notices this and gives a small chuckle, taking his hand off your shoulder. George's eyebrows raise slightly, but he continues,

"Make sure you dress well, we're doing something fun too, but we won't ruin the surprise for you," He grins as your face wrinkles with confusion. You open your mouth to ask what he meant before Fred interrupts you,

"See you then Y/N!" He says awkwardly, grabbing his brother's sweater, pulling him and his broom away from you. You close your mouth slowly, but it turns into a grin. What on earth did he mean by that? 

You make your way towards the Great Hall, excited for tonight. You try to plan what to wear, also trying to think of what the "surprise" was.

You eat very quickly through dinner and rush your way to your dorm. You wiggle into comfy leggings and a grey sweater, trimmed with your house colors. You style your hair quickly, and paint on a slick cat eye, and a peachy colored lipstick. Fidgeting in front of the mirror, your housemate looks at you curiously,

"Where are you going at this hour Y/N?" She says teasingly, making your other housemates glance in your direction. You smile, slipping into your favorite pair of boots.

"Small get-together the Weasley twins invited me to," You chirp, excitedly bouncing on the balls of your feet. Your housemate grins, giving you a "Don't do anything you'll regret" kind of look. You stick your tongue out at her, as you practically skip towards the door of the common room.


You make your way to the door of the Room of Requirement. You quickly go through the door, making sure no one sees you. You see the twins and a group of people turn to look at you. It seems you were the last to arrive. George looks at you excitedly, waving his hand at you, ushering you to come over.

"Y/N! So glad you could make it! Sit down, we're playing a game of seven minutes in heaven!" He cheers. You gulp.

"Oh...sounds fun!" You chuckle nervously, glancing around the room you see who you might end up in a small closet with.

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, the Twins, Neville Longbottom, Oliver Wood, Cedric Diggory, and some others. (A/N: Not sure how many I'll do ok bear with me here) Your pulse quickens, noticing your crush is here out of the group of boys here.

Fred shoves a small bag towards you, gesturing you to pick something.

"You go first Y/N since you're the last ne to get here," He giggles. You give him a nervous look and carefully place your hand into the bag, eyes closed. You eyebrows raise as you feel very differently textured objects in the bag. You hear small chuckles form the peanut gallery as you do this. 

You try to decide which of the objects you'll pick.


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