High School

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Your first day of high school is always the most terrifying. So many older kids, so many new teachers. Not to mention it's easy to get lost, or walk into the wrong classroom. Or in my experience walk into the wrong bathroom. It was just after lunch and i had been dreading using the restroom since breakfast. The thing about my school they don't have clear signs that say girls or boys. They have a small colored square at the top corner of the door north of the sign that just says bathroom. Extremely easy to miss if your in a hurry and i was in quit the hurry. All i saw was the bathroom sign taking no notice of the color and rushed in....to the boys bathroom. Not only was it the boys bathroom, it was where the most immature idiots happened to be spawning.

Some of the guy smiled and started walking toward me. Others panicked and started shouting. i was frozen and just stared at each face. Then in a sudden flush of heat i turned bright red and turned running as fast as i could out of there. Forgetting that i had to use the restroom i rushed to a small space near the stairs and buried my face in my hands. Missing my third hour mostly and i broke down crying. How could i walk into the boys bathroom of all places. I just want to disappear.

The second lunch bell went off telling kids to go to class. I knew that the teachers would start patrolling the halls soon after so i gathered my backpack and rushed off to my Science class. Being the first day and a freshman i got away with saying i didn't know what lunch i had and he let is slide and told me how to identify it next time. Mr. Garlic (yes that's his name) was a really cool teacher, he did not care what administration had to say and ran the class his way. This meant we were going to have a lot of fun this year. As much as i liked my science class, i loved my last hour. I had choir with my best friend, she was beautiful and sweet. Very reserved but get her going and she becomes quit the spitfire.  She didn't say much unless you get her on a tangent then you'll never get two words out before she's through.

A little insight on just how beautiful and deceitfully innocent Celeste is. She has long lightly curly red tinted, and naturally sun streaked hair. She has piercing green eyes that would stop you cold. About 5 foot in height, and weighs just under 130 lbs. She was gorgeous and of course I'm jealous of her. She had a strong family that clearly loved her and she never had to give anything up.  Other than being friends with the devil herself she was a church going goody two shoes. No matter how different we were I would always, always be best friends with her. We told each other everything, and she always knew how to make my day better, however; i am not so sure i have a better option today.

The choir class was filled with giggling girls and obnoxious laughs.  I could see several older kids who looked like they chewed on nails for breakfast. If that didn't make me uncomfortable what was going to happen next was unbearable.

"Look guys its the peeping girl." A girl said loud enough for the whole class to hear. I didn't have to turn around to guess she was pointing at me. It bothered me but i still said buzz off and went back to reading my book i pulled out during the beginning of class.

Celeste made faces at her then leaned over, "Why are they calling you a peeping whatever?" she inquired. I felt my face turn red.

"I accidentally walked into the boy's bathroom earlier today." I sank in my chair pretending to disappear. Celeste said nothing more.

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