Part 3: The Volunteer

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It was already dark by the time Freed made it to the guild-house the next day. All day had been spent in finishing small jobs within Magnolia; more tagging along behind Evergreen and Bixlow as they worked than working himself. Of course, he could have gone to claim a job of his own, thereby tripling the productiveness and income of the Raijinshuu, but that meant facing Mirajane and he wasn't entirely sure he was quite ready to do that. But, at last, the sun had set in molten rays of red and gold, washing the streets in a gilded-rose glow and he'd had no choice but to face her again. It made no sense to eat at a restaurant, alone, when a hot meal was to be had at the guild with his friends.

"Master, please! I cannot sit around here waiting. It's Elfman!"

His gaze had been firmly fixed to the floor, half-baked plans about taking a seat the furthest away from the bar and relying on his companions to shield him from view flying through his mind, when the sound of the usually soft voice raised in fear and anger made him look up almost involuntarily. Mirajane stood in front of Master Makarov, seated, as usual, in a cross-legged position on top of the bar, her feet planted wide and a look of determination firming her jaw.

"And I said no, Mirajane! Elfman is a grown man and a capable wizard and his welfare is his own responsibility. I will not allow you to chase after him when he's probably already on his way back."

"He's two days late, Master! He's never late. Something's happened to him, I'm sure of it!"

"Even if that is so, I cannot in good conscience send you after him! You haven't been on a job in years, Mira-chan," the voice cracked with age softened slightly as he turned a fond eye on the trembling girl standing her ground in front of him, "if something had happened to him I would be sending you into a dangerous situation, S-class wizard or not."

Narrow shoulders slumped and Freed could clearly hear the tears clogging her voice as she bowed her head in defeat.

"But we should do something. Please, Master."

It wasn't his place. It was against the rules; it wasn't part of his plans but nonetheless Freed found his feet moving forward through no conscious command from his brain. He reached the silently crying Mirajane still frozen in front of a troubled Makarov, and spoke quietly.

"If it would ease your mind, Master, I would be happy to accompany Mirajane as she attempts to locate Elfman."

White eyebrows rose in surprise and Freed firmly fixed his eyes on the master's nose so as to avoid the old man's speculative gaze, and willed the self-conscious blush to recede. Mirajane moved almost convulsively and tear-filled blue eyes searched his face in surprise but he firmly stared straight ahead, awaiting Makarov's decision.

"Hmmm," the old man huffed, pulling at his moustache, "that would be preferable, of course. If I cannot dissuade you from this foolish course of action, Mirajane, then I must insist that you take someone with you. Freed has generously volunteered so you may leave your duties for the time being."

A grateful gasp was the only response he got before Mirajane threw her arms around both Makarov and Freed in turn. Without a word, wiping at the silvery tear tracks on her cheeks, she whirled around and ran round the bar and through the staff doors behind it.

Makarov raised his tankard to his lips and muttered into his drink, "If I were you I would see about getting dinner as quickly as possible, my boy, because she's not going to let you linger until tomorrow which would, of course, be the sensible course of action."

"It is as you say, Master," Freed returned, quickly turning on his heel and striding towards the table Evergreen had claimed as her own, before Makarov could get another word in; he had no desire to hear the master's thoughts on his offer, not when he could feel the speculative gaze burning into his back.

His companions had already picked up plates of food and Freed was grateful when Bixlow jerked his head towards the full plate placed in front of an empty seat, indicating that it was for him. Before Evergreen could start asking questions - he could see the curiosity gleaming in her eyes - he slid into the seat and picked up a fork. She couldn't pester him while his mouth was full and hopefully by the time he was done eating Mirajane would have gathered whatever she might need and they could be on their way. In a couple of days, when they returned, the whole thing would be old news and no one would bother to ask him questions he didn't want to - couldn't - answer.

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