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Her phone rang for the umpteenth time, making both she and her husband stir in their sleep.

Roselyn cursed whoever it was disturbing her sleep, she answered the phone without bothering to check who was calling.

"Hello." She said into the phone, with her groggy voice.

"Hey, it's Sofia. Have you heard the news?"

"What news?" Roselyn asked, stepping out of the room in other not to wake her husband up.

"Switch on your TV, I'll talk to you later." Sofia said and hung up.

Roselyn dropped her phone on the center table, picked up the remote and switched on the TV set, the unmistakable name of her father popped on the screen.

She slumped into the couch and covered her mouth, trying hard not to yell. The shock had absorbed her to the point that she didn't hear her children come in to the living room.

"Oh my God! Grandpa's dead?!" Adam exclaimed.

"What?!" Julian yelled.

"What is going on here?" James asked, stepping into the living room.

But, none of them answered him, he looked up at the TV, shock marred all over his face. He quickly sat on the couch beside Roselyn and hugged her.

She wasn't crying, she was completely numb. She hadn't seen him in years and yet, she felt a certain type of feeling towards this news that she couldn't decipher.

She had mixed feelings about it all, yes! He didn't care about her, he abandoned her, he hated her. But, she still felt sad.

She felt something hot rolling down her face only to find out that it was tears, she wasn't suppose to cry.

She wasn't supposed to cry over a man who wanted to have anything to do with her, yet, she still cared.

So, without any care in the world, she cried; hard. She let it all out, all the feelings she had suppressed over the years. Her family held her while she let her heart out.

Even though Adam and Julian didn't know their grandfather well and although knowing everything about him and Roselyn's relationship they also felt remorse towards it all.

Roselyn had told them everything about him, she didn't leave anything out. And right there and then, they decided that they hated him too.

But, now, as this feeling started washing over them, they realized that no matter what, family is everything.


Charles Mendez's funeral was a thing to remember, people from all over the country came, indeed, it was a funeral to remember.

Three weeks later, Roselyn decided she wanted to sell her father's house.

She had spoken to her friend, Sofia, who was also a lawyer, and all the legal work had been done.

Before they could find a buyer, she had decided to go over to the house, just to get some closure.

She decided to take the kids along with her because all of them were always busy, they never had any family time.

She had wanted James to come with too, but, his work wouldn't permit him to. With that thought in mind, she had decided to spend the weekend over there.

She was getting her bags ready when her phone rang, it was James.

"Hey babe." She said, while folding her clothes.

"Hey darling, when are you guys leaving?"

"In an hour."

"Alright, I might come see you guys after i'm done with work. I'm not sure though."

"It's alright babe, don't stress yourself. You can come tomorrow."

"Alright darling, I'll see what I can do. I'll talk to you later, love you."

"Love you too babe." She said and dropped the phone.

"Adam, Julian, are you guys ready?" She asked.

Her seventeen year old daughter walked into the room, with her phone in hand, typing away. Roselyn face palmed herself, they always do this, they are never ready when you need them to.

"Hello young lady, didn't you hear me earlier? Are you done?" Roselyn asked, looking at her squarely.

"Yes mum, stop stressing yourself already. Our bags are in the trunk." Julian said, side hugging her.

Ever since her father's death, Roselyn worked hard to get herself out of his thoughts which Julian noticed. She had tried to talk to her about it, but, she always brushed the conversation off.

But, Julian isn't letting it slide this time.

"You need to calm down mum, I get it, grandpa's dead. You hate him but you are still having emotions over his death and you are trying to stop that from happening by immersing yourself in work, it's not going to work mum. You need to face your problems head on, stop running away from it." She finished off, cupping her face.

"I know baby, and I'm trying really hard to. But, I don't want you worrying so much about me. I am your mother, I'm suppose to worry about you not the other way round, okay?"

Julian sighed. "Alright Mum, we'll wait for you in the car."

As Roselyn watched her daughter's figure retreat, she crouched down and sobbed into her palms. Julian was right, she was indeed running away from her problems.

She wished she could face them. She wished she could just pour out her heart to get rid of this ill-feeling. James had suggested she sees a therapist, but she didn't think it was necessary.

But with everything going on now, she might consider it. Her mood and life decisions had started affecting her children and that's the last thing she would want in her life now.

With that thought in mind, she redid her makeup, picked her bags and locked the house.

It was going to be a long weekend, she could feel it.

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