Chapter 1: White Violets

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"The cloudy sky clears up and brings with it the shining sun. People walk and talk on the streets of Pratopia. The marketplace is full and so are the stomachs of the people around me. Oh, why must I be the only one to starve in such a prosperous place as this kingdom? Let the power of the Kings and Queens of this world find a way to bring me, a young poor boy, some food!" The young boy acted out his speech and fell to his knees on the stoney road as confused onlookers passed by.

"That's enough of your dramatic poems, Billy. If I give you some food will you stop begging outside my shop?" The old woman scolded the crazy boy.
"Oh absolutely ma'am! Just give me some food and I'll be gone forever! You'll never see my face again, and if you do, it'll be cuz I'm dead of starvation and you'll be mourning the loss!" Billy, still on his knees, grinned up at the lady.

"Whatever you say boy, just get outta my sight." The frustrated old woman replied as she handed him an old piece of bread and walked back into the shop.

"Oh thanks Ms. G! I'll be seeing you here again tomorrow morning!" Billy called out as he bit into the bread.

"Oh no you won't! Get outta here and don't ever come back, Billy!" Grumpy Ms. G yelled out the shop window.

Billy got off his knees and walked along the street with a grin still on his face. He looked at his non-existent watch and decided it was time to check on his best friend Toad. Toad had been Billy's friend since they found each other on the streets five years ago. They were just 11 year olds back then and had bonded over the idea of being heroic knights one day. Toad's real name is Todd, but Billy decided it was too plain a name for a knight. As he walked, Billy thought back fondly on all the wonderful memories he had created with Todd. He was excited for tonight's annual birthday feast where the two boys would sit together in the alleyway and chow down on all the food he was able to steal that day. The day they met five years ago, Toad was sad to share with his new buddy that he doesn't know his own birthday. Billy immediately declared that they would celebrate it every year on the day they met, June 8th.

    Billy arrived at home. He stood at the entrance of the dark alleyway and scanned the place for Toad. To his disappointment, his best friend was not home so he hid the remainder of the bread in their little storage box and headed back out onto the streets.

    Over the course of the day, Billy was able to "borrow" a watermelon and some cheese. He raced back home with the precious food in his arms as the sun started to set. He walked into the alleyway and once again looked around for Toad, but he was still nowhere to be seen. Worry dug its way into Billy's heart and he started to feel frantic. All the "what ifs..." ran through Billy's head as he set up the feast to distract himself. As he sat down with the bread, he felt tears sting his eyes.

"What if he got locked up? Prison is not the place for Toad. He can't last in prison, he's too kind and soft to be locked away with criminals." Billy mumbled to himself.

"Uhm Billy? Sorry I'm late." A soft voice spoke behind Billy.

Billy turned around so fast that he felt like his head was going to fall off. There, standing awkwardly behind him, was Toad!

"Toad! I can't believe you're alive! I was waiting and waiting and waiting. I waited so long, I thought I'd have to eat all the food myself!" Billy exclaimed as he jumped to his feet and pulled Toad in for a tight hug.
Toad happily hugged back with a smile on his face. Billy's joy quickly turned to scolding as he slapped Toad on the back of the head.

"I can't believe you made me wait like that! I thought you were locked up in prison, but no, you probably lost track of time again picking flowers!" Billy accused as he glared at his buddy.

Toad shrunk back a bit with a guilty look on his face. There was a silence between them before Toad brought his hand up slowly to reveal a little bouquet of purple flowers.

"Well, let me explain Bill... I was walking home like usual when I saw some lovely flowers growing on the side of the path. You know me, I can't resist good flowers! And it's my birthday feast so I thought some flowers would be perfect for the occasion." Toad grinned shyly as he rose the flowers up in the air.

Billy tried to stay mad, but it didn't work. It never did. Who could stay mad at such a sweet guy? Billy sighed and
gave in. He walked up to Toad who watched his best friend anxiously for a reaction. Billy, being plenty of inches taller than little Toad, had a habit of ruffling his buddy's brown hair as a way to show forgiveness. He did this comforting action right then and there and Toad immediately knew he was forgiven. Toad smiled brightly up at Billy and, without warning, tried to pull him in for a hug. Billy, who quickly understood what his friend was attempting to do, hugged Toad back.

Now that all was forgiven, the party was ready to begin. The two sat across from each other on the ground and ate their small feast. They chatted and ate happily, unaware of the danger that lied ahead.

Hey, so this is my first story. Please let me know if you guys like it! 😜

White Violets = Innocence

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