✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Twenty-Eight *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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Minho smiles because he knows exactly who it is. He jumps up and runs to the gate. He doesn't even open the gate and runs to the person at the end of the cobblestone path. He runs into their arms.

"Woah there. Careful." The person said.

"I missed you so much Kell. But where's Keegan?" Minho asked.

"She was just behind me a few seconds ago." Kell said.

"BOO!" Someone shouts behind Minho, scaring him.

He turns around with a smile and sees a girl with fiery red eyes.

"Welcome home Keegan." Minho said.

"I missed you brat." Keegan said.

"Who is this?" Chan asked as he walks up beside Minho.

"Guys, this is Kell and Keegan." Minho introduces.

"It's nice to meet you. But why are your eyes diffSunjit colors?" Chan asked.

"No one knows. I think Keegan's eyes are red because her main power is fire, but no one knows the real reason why our eyes are like this." Kell said.

"I don't mind my eyes though. I like them." Keegan said cheerfully.

"You have pretty eyes." Kell said.

Keegan smiles.

"Why don't we go inside? Does Jiyoung know that you guys are here yet?" Minho asked. Kell shakes her head.

"Well then let's go see him." Minho said.

"Why is it important that Jiyoung sees them?" Anoleta asked.

"Kell and Keegan are his little sisters." Minho said as they walk back into the castle.

Minho whispers something and Minah appears in front of them.

"Yes ma'am?" Minah asked.

"Could you go find Jiyoung for us and tell him to meet us in the throne room?" Minho asked.

"Of course ma'am." Minah said politely. She disappears and the others walk to the throne room. A few minutes later Jiyoung walks into the room with a confused look on his face.

"What's this about?" He asked.

"We have some people here who would like to see you." Minho said. Kell steps out from behind Chan and Keegan steps out from behind Amenadiel.

"Hi." Kell said.

"You guys are really here? What... how...? Does mom know you guys are here?" Jiyoung asked.

"Yes. She was the one who sent us here." Keegan said.

Jiyoung opens his arms wide and the two girls come in and give him a hug.

"I missed you girls." He said with a huge smile.

"We missed you too." They both say.

"You guys might wanna come see this!" Minhee yells as she runs into the room. They all follow him out and when Minho sees what's out there he gasps in horror. There in the sky is a giant symbol. It's shaped like a skull.

"The red skull. The deathlings are here!" Minho shouts in horror. Suddenly, something appears in front of the group.

"Hello Minho dear. It's nice to see you again." The person said.

"Stay away from us Korell." Minho said.

"Ok. But I think we have something you want." Korell said. He snaps and next to him appears a glass box. Minho gasps. Inside the box is Serandiel, who's pounding on the glass.

"Help me! Get me out of here!" She yells.

"You let her go!" Minho shouts as the others look on in horror. Serandiel has a huge bruise on her eyes and her forehead is bleeding. Her arms are covered in scratches and her clothes are covered in blood.

"I can't do that." Korell said. Another deathling appears next to Korell.

"Mira. Take the girl." Korell said. Mira nods and snaps her fingers. Serandiel disappears and so does Mira.

"You have until midnight. Don't disappoint me." Korell said as he disappears.

"What does he mean? Until midnight? What do we have until midnight for?" Minhee asked.

"He wants me. He wants my powers. He wants my scepter. This isn't your fight so just let me turn myself in so no one gets hurt. You guys are more important to me than anything. I'll get Serandiel back and everything will be okay. You'll just have to live without me." Minho said with tears in his eyes.

"No! I can't let you!" Chan shouts.

"I have to." Minho said.

"I'm so sorry for this." He said. He waves his scepter and a burst of blue sparkles comes out. It rains down over everyone.

"I'm so sorry. I know you'll forgive me." Minho said just as everything goes black.


"I can't find Minho! He's not here!" Chan yells as he runs into the throne room. Everyone had been looking for Minho since they had gotten up. No one knows how but they had all ended up in their beds.

"He actually left. He's giving himself up to save us." Sabrael said.

"I know where he is." Kien said as he runs into the room.

"Where?!" Chan shouts frantically.

"The Ander mountains." Kien said.

"Where?" Minho asked.

"It's where the deathlings used to live before Minseok banished them all those years ago. I have no idea how they got back here." Kien said.

"Take us there." Chan said.

"Got it." Kien said.


Minho listens carefully as the deathlings talk to each other.

"He has one more hour. If he doesn't show up, kill the girl and send her body to the castle. Then we'll take another one and give him one more day." Korell said.

Minho can feel anger radiating through him. They will not hurt the people he loves.

He hears footsteps from behind him and freezes. He turns around and sees Chan.

"What are you doing here?!" He whispers shouts.

"I came to save you. The others are here somewhere. They're figuring out a way to get Serandiel out." Chan said.

"No. The only way to get her out is if I turn myself in to them." Minho said.

"You really think they're gonna let her out even if they have you? If they have you they're still gonna kill Serandiel." Chan said and realization dawns on Minho. They wSunji't gonna let Serandiel go. They didn't let Hadriel go last time.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for making you worry about me. I was just so scared that they'd kill her, that I wasn't thinking right." Minho said.

"It's alright. The others are figuring out how to get her out." Chan said. Suddenly, Minhee comes around the corner.

"We have a plan." She said.

"What is it?" Minho asked.

Minhee explains the plan to them.

"What are we supposed to do?" Minho asked.

"You guys are gonna be the distraction." 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Catastrophe • Minchan [COMPLETED] *:・゚✧*:・゚✧Where stories live. Discover now