Chapter 2

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God what kind of person says that to someone?! if your not careful they will kill you, what a creep. Turning another corner I could see the house up ahead, oh thank god aunt Lisa had left the porch light on. Unlocking the gate I walked up the four porch steps before I stopped to get the house key out of my backpack. Unlocking the door I saw that someone had left the hallway light on enlighting the hallway and part of the kitchen.

Walking down the hallway I listened to signs to see if anyone was awake, nope they were either asleep or out. I walked into the kitchen before I dumped my backpack on the ground next to the kitchen counter, opening the fridge to see if anyone had made me dinner I heard the front door opening and closing and someone walking down the hallway. Praying that it wouldn't be Rose I grabbed out some ham, mayo and butter from the fridge.

Shutting the fridge door I saw that it was Rose walking down the hallway, mentally groaning I walked over to the cupboard to get some bread for my sandwich when I turn around I see Rose walking around to sit on the bar stools on the other side of the kitchen bench she looks at me and sneers. Not knowing what I had done to piss her off this time I ignore it and start making my ham and mayo sandwich.

After a couple of minutes of

silence I couldn't take it any longer "so,

why are you in such in a bad mood?" I

ask cautiously while taking a bite out

of my sandwich.

"why do you care?" she asks with so

much venom in her voice I step back

and raise my eyebrows at her.

"forget I asked then" saying softly but

loud enough for her to hear me.

Turning around I pick up my backpack

and try to think of what I ever did to

Rose, like we were best friends we

when were younger but then I don't

see her for seven years and BAM she

turns into a total bitch.

Climbing the stairs I rethink of all the

events that happened to night, first

there was the the therapy session and

then seeing a weird shadow near the

bus stop and then the creepy man

appearing out of nowhere and and

saying all these weird things like you

need to leave, they are watching and if

you're not careful they will kill you. ugh

just thinking about causes shivers to

run down my spine. Reaching the top

of the stairs I turn right and make a

bee line for my room, once inside I

shut the door, throw my bag on the

floor, kick my boots of and jump into

bed. Shutting my eyes I try and let the

darkness take me away but it doesn't

work instead images of the fire and

that man flash behind my eyelids.

Bolting upright I rub my eyes and take

deep calming breaths, wow I haven't

thought of that day in weeks, the day

my life was ruined for ever. I swing my

legs of the side of the bed and walk

over to the mirror that hangs over my

my small dresser table. Looking at my

reflection I can see that my emerald

green eyes look dimmer then usual

and that my usually bright fire red hair

is greasy and hangs loosely down my

shoulders, sighing I open the second

dresser drawer and take out a pair of

black track pants and a pink t­shirt

then getting a pair of underwear out of

the first drawer. Making my way out

my bedroom I stopped, was that

crying? coming out of Roses room?

walking over to Roses room I knocked

"Rose? are you okay?" The crying

stopped "Rose do you want me to

come in?" after a few minutes of

silence the door opened a creak and

Rose poked her head through "Oh um

hey Emily" Roses face was covered in

tear streaks that ran black from her

"Rose whats wrong?"

"oh it's nothing, don't worry about.

Sorry if I woke you."

"no you didn't I was just going to have

a shower. Whats wrong, is it Jake?"

Jake is Roses boyfriend, they have

been going out for one year now but

lately they have been fighting.

"no its not Jake....I just don't...wanna

t­talk about it at the mo­moment. S-

Sorry" then she shut the door in my

face. I thought about opening and

demanding if he had done anything

but thought better of it, she seemed

liked she could use some space.

Turning and walking to the bathroom I

thought back on the conversation,

wow had Rose really apologised and

twice?! She never apologises for

anything. Something must have

happened between her and Jake.

OMG guys I'm so so sorry for the super late update! Its just that I've been really busy with school (year 11 is SOOO stressful) i have heaps of homework/assignments and also i had really bad writers block so I'm not that happy with this chapter... and at the moment i have this really bad cold that i got at school camp last week ERRR. haha anyways i hope you liked this chapter and i promise to try and update sooner and faster.

P.S the picture at the top isn't meant to be there. Sorry.

you know what to do!! :)




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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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